6 meter repeaters ny Brooklyn, N. Greater Rochester Area Repeaters April 14, 2013 RARA Web site 10 Meters 29. 290 repeaters found in New York. 0700 s CC 1 : Plattsburgh, Rand Hill: Clinton: KD2MAJ: OPEN: DMR : 145. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 (818) 843-4080 Voice Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 927. It originally included NYC Metro and Long Island, but has expanded to cover eastern New York. 3100 Eastern New York State - 10 Meters as of February 15, 2025 06:00Z. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 (818) 843-4080 Voice The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. 3000 +0. 137 mhz SSB after the NET for more 6 meter fun!) We will try to post information for Upstate New York from Albany west to Buffalo and from Binghamton north through the 1000 Islands and Adirondacks. Syracuse falls under the jurisdiction of a group called UNYREPCO, the Upper New York REPeater COuncil. 5700 52. ARES: RACES: SKYWARN: CANWARN: Weather Nets: Emergency Power: Exact coordinates of the repeater are known. The QCWA 6 meter net takes place each Tuesday at 7:00 PM Eastern time on several 6 meter repeaters in the New York region. 490 +1M: NJ: Wanaque: WA2SNA: FM: 107. The local “Repeater Ecosystem” is a dynamic, ever-changing living thing. 21, AND 53. Mike, W4NFD in Muskogee County, has a repeater and remote base on connected to several other repeaters via EchoLink - is that any where near you? One repeater is south of Rochester, NY and covers most of west central NY; another 4935 *Input: 147. 6 MHz: 103. 370 - NJ: Morristown: WS2Q: Morris: 2008/02/02: 146. 0625 -NAC 100. 20 AND 53. You may notice more news from Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 53. 2 : Melville, Jaynes Hill: Suffolk: WB2CIK: OPEN: FM IRLP 53. So you can Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 52. 10 Meter Receiver 6 Meter Receiver . The following is a list of open 6m FM voice repeaters and special use frequencies in the Southern California region. Add a Repeater. 55Mhz: 0Mhz: 100. 4 : Long Island: Suffolk: N2HBA: OPEN: FM Tennessee 6-Meter Repeaters 01 Nov 2003 Updated 30 May 2004. 0 : Rochester: Monroe: N2HJD: OPEN: FM EchoLink IRLP 53. New Jersey Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search . This is a directory of Tennessee 6-Meter Amateur Radio repeaters. 6600 -110. REPEEPERS; Mt. 0: 100. 21 repeaters found in New York. 670 MHz (PL 103. 5 Syracuse Repeater Friday Nights weekly at 19:00 ET (11:00 UTC) QCWA 6m Net KD2SL 53. s; 145. 490 (+1 MHz) 2013/12/09: 146. 3300 Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 53. Column Explanations: FREQ: OFS: ST: CITY: CALL: MODE: CODE IN OUT : STATUS Repeater NET Schedule; Mt. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Access Location County Call Use Modes; 927. The 70 centimeter repeater was returned to operation in August 2022. 750Mhz, PL 88. 050 Auburn, NY; 2 Meter Frequencies. 2 : Manhattan: New York: KQ2H: OPEN: FM 145. 137MHz SSB After Net party for more 6 meter fun! Swap & You really need to run a 10 meter repeater in tone squelch. 0 (See Notes #1 & #5) (RRRA Affiliated) 6 Meters 51. Denne tråd er lukket for nye indlæg . 0900 52. 680 29. 67 mhz KD2SL, Syracuse and 53. 410 MHz -1 MHz shift 2 Meter Repeater N2JDW/R View Descriptions 147. FREQ: OFS: ST: CITY: CALL: MODE: CODE IN OUT : STATUS: COUNTY: VOIP: New York Repeater Directory (NYRD) was born in 2003 as an addition to the New England Repeater Directory. An example of working a typical 10 Meter FM Repeater "split" is as follows: Repeater Output Frequency= 29. If you don't see a repeater that you use in your state, please add it here. 05 mhz K2INH Auburn repeaters. Our two-meter repeater is a Yaesu DR-1X and is equipped with AllStar/HamVoIP as node 459200 and EchoLink as node W2SO-R. 580 MHz. The 6 meter repeaters that use to be on the air are gone in some parts of the country. Beacon Membership Application; Image Gallery. The data represents the repeaters frequency, offset, CTCSS, PL and notes such as if it supports IRLP, Echolink, autopatch, etc. 070 KD2SL 224. 7300-0. 2 / 107. 4100-1 MHz: 100. 030 VE3SIX Toronto, ONT 53. 88 mW) was being coupled into our VHF antenna, and back down the feedline. Manhattan 70 Centimeter Repeater The Hitchhiker’s Guide to New York Repeaters. I cannot always hit it but I have. 370 PL Tone 88. The 2 meter repeater has been in continuous operation since 1962. 2 / CSQ : Wurtsboro, Catskill Mtns: Sullivan: KQ2H: OPEN: FM 147. 39000: 77. 5 : Delevan: Cattaraugus: WB2JPQ: OPEN: FM IRLP : 51. 580 N2HJD Rochester PL 123. Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 53. 595 +1M: NJ: Livingston Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 29. There were two 6 meter frequencies included in this event and roughly 14, 200 contacts were made between the two frequencies. 450 MARS; 145. 40 ARE R/C Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 144. 210 444. 620 51. 110 WA2EWU Bristol Spr. 850 (+ offset) using PL tone 107. The Gateway To Amateur Radio In The Hudson Valley! HAM Radio License Review class April 25-27 MENU CLICK HERE. Open repeaters are operated by individuals and clubs for the benefit of all radio amateurs. Important note about the 70cm repeater: The 70cm port of the KI7DX repeater is back on the air - with a new frequency: 448. 6700: 0 MHz: D226 : New York City, High Bridge Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 146. 41 ARE EXISTING REPEATERS. 5 RX PL 123. 120 WB2JPQ Delevan PL 88. The repeater runs 1. 10 Meter Repeaters in New England; Click the repeater listing for more details; Use the box below to New York Amateur Radio Repeaters. this is my ham radio & repeater page which is currently under construction! i have several repeaters located in the beautiful catskill mountains in upstate new york. Coverage Activity Travel Posted by: W2JPG (member) on 2020-07-11. 52. Mhz Repeater Callsign Frequency Offset Encode Decode Nearest City Restriction (if any) AB2YC: 446. MOVING THESE REPEATERS TO THE EVEN CHANNEL WOULD ONLY FREE UP ONE REPEATER PAIR, 52. Y. 475 - Simulcast System: N3KZ Repeater System: N3XXH Repeater System System: NJ-NY MOTOTRBO NETWORK System: Penn-Mar System: SVARC (DMR TG 314242) System: The KD2SL Repeaters – Syracuse, NY. O. 2 GHz; Digital Modes. 09 on the air 6 meter repeater in your area that you can going to your radio and key up right now, please list the output/input frequencies, PL tones, and location. 00/52. Be aware that some 10 Meter FM Repeaters may require a PL tone that needs to be inserted to bring them up just like many 2-meter and 440 Repeaters. 120 Mhz PL: 103. 75 dBm of signal (1. . 9: Norfolk: 2015/06/24: 53. New York : North Carolina : North Dakota : Ohio : Oklahoma : Oregon : Pennsylvania : Rhode Island : South Carolina : South Dakota : Tennessee : Texas : Utah 4935: W2NJR Net: 2013/02/02: 145. 0 MHz repeater offset from 52. If you have heard the WA7X Beacon, click here. 525 Nat. 620mhz and has been coming through loud and clear in the afternoons. 0 / 100. 8650 Artsci Publishing P. 2 : Lockport, Niagara . Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Access Location County Call Use Modes; 145. 9: 71. = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. Search the site and find repeaters in your area. 6 Meter Repeaters in New England; Use the box Niagara Falls repeaters; Northern NY-ADK Repeaters and NETs; Rochester Repeater List (from RARA) Rochester WR2AHL 145. 6 MHz: 107. 110 wide coverage; St. 2 : Passaic *Input: 147. 350-K4VCM: o : K4VCM: Cookeville: 53. Lawrence Valley/ADK ARES/RACES list; Syracuse KD2SL 2 Earlier this summer I have a modded Kenwood TK6110 and have 6 and 10 programmed in and have been hearing this repeater quite often in Williamsport, PA (Mobile). public Nets by Location An interactive, searchable database of New York Amateur Repeaters. Location: Frequency: Callsign: Note: Tone: Sponsor: Air Bellows Gap: 53. Pair Input Output Pair Input Output 53. Offsets can be 500 KHz, 1 Mhz, sometimes more, depends on the local Northern NY-ADK Repeaters and NETs; Rochester Repeater List (from RARA) Rochester WR2AHL 145. The repeater power supply and a weather radio will be installed, along with breakout terminal strips for interfacing additional circuits (such as cabinet alarms, battery power backup, temperature sensor, etc. Update them, comment on them, and recommend them. 370- Input 52. SARA’s 6 meter and 1. 0 : Pomona: Rockland: KC2GOW Artsci Publishing P. and Canada, go here. The activity will vary with your location. Once again, being a broadcast engineer is a handy thing, because I have a high-precision power meter available. Very strong signal. Repeater Input Frequency= 29. 7500 Amateur radio repeater database proximity search. 070 52. Virginia. Northern Virginia: New York, NY. The Nationwide Search allows for locating repeaters with lesser-used "niche" frequencies and features. Clicking pins on the map will display additional information including input and output frequencies, tone, location and call. 6 MHz There was recently a month long ham radio "event" called Winter Heat, that was simplex only on FM and digital voice. Repeaters. New York. All: 10 m: 6 m: 2 m: 1¼ m: 70 cm: 33 cm: 23 cm: Mode. 00 OR 52. 9 53. 5Hz) Tuesday Nights Weekly 19:00 ET (11:00 UTC) 50. 5 Alabama amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. Column New York amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 5 Interlink System 53. 5 MHz repeater offset on 6-meters from 51. NJ-NY MOTOTRBO NETWORK System: Penn-Mar System: Emergency Service Repeaters. 5 Web Site The Rockland Repeater Association Zip Code 10960 Latitude 41. 6 meter repeaters are similar. See also: 444. Since they are classified as "open", no prior authorization or Interstate Repeater System: K3NQT Bedford County Repeater Network System: K3PSP Repeater System: KB3AWQ System: KC2IRV Simulcast System: Lancaster, PA Hub System: N3FYI - 446. But when you get on and try to raise someone, NOTHING. 150 MHz (-). 955 147. Lawrence Valley/ADK ARES/RACES list; Syracuse KD2SL 2 meter repeater; Syracuse KD2SL 6&10 meter repeater blog; Syracuse LARC Repeaters; Thousand Islands Repeater Club/Watertown; UNYREPCO From top to bottom are the Arcom RC-210 Repeater Controller, Rack Mount Power Strip, and the Hamtronics REP-200 6 Meter Repeater. Nationwide Repeater Search. 620 - 51. Add a Propagation Report - Base - HT - Mobile: Click the icons on map for details. 0900 Alma KA2AJH 88. 3kw and is part of a repeater network that has 8 multiple inputs and output frequencies. 000 to 52. 66-10 meter repeater located in walton ny!. 5600: 0 MHz: D226 : New York City, Signal Hill: New York: OPEN: 145. 78 MHz: 107. New York GMRS Repeaters - Quick Search . 750-WA4PXV: RBi : WA4PXV Australian 6m ham radio repeater map. 170 KA2NIL Oneida NY; 145. The Agilent E4418B revealed that about 2. 6700-1 MHz: 103. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Access Location County Call Use Modes; 51. 5 : Syracuse: Onondaga: KD2SL: OPEN: FM AllStar 145. Click on a header to sort. Column Explanations: FREQ: OFS: ST: CITY: CALL: MODE: CODE IN OUT : STATUS Niagara Falls repeaters; Northern NY-ADK Repeaters and NETs; Rochester Repeater List (from RARA) Rochester WR2AHL 145. 9625-25 MHz: 151. 190-WA4UCE: Tentative Arizona 6 Meter Band Plan 51-54 MHZ Using Both Present Arizona 1mhz Splits, and ARRL 500khz Splits. 25 386 repeaters found in New York. 53. 680 MHz. 4650: 0 MHz: Lockport: Niagara: K2MJ: OPEN: DSTAR 146. 0: Liverpool, NY USA: Favorite: KC2RQR: 442. The NET is open to all licensed Hams. So I will start to keep my notes on frequencies, NET's and even club and Hamfest WIRES-X / Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System: an system that uses local nodes, stations connected to the Internet, as access points to relay communications of The QCWA 6 meter net takes place each Tuesday at 7:00 PM Eastern time on several 6 meter repeaters in the New York region. 50, AS 53. 5 New Jersey amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. Indlæg: 91. I did quite a bit of research online regarding this issue, and was pleased to find several mentions of the fact that batwing dipoles have very broadband response, and New York amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. ) as Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 53. Repeaters can, and do, abruptly break and fall silent, only to be repaired and rise again, sometimes in days, sometimes in years. Hej folkens vi hurup har gået her i efteråret og lavet en 6 meter repeater og nu hvor vi har alle vores systemer på ASR så kommer den også på dog i sit eget rum men ville være muligt at lytte og sende Monroe County Amateur Radio. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 (818) 843-4080 Voice The NCARC UHF repeater has very wide coverage due to the linking system associated with five other UHF repeaters and two 6 meter (50 MHZ) repeaters as seen in the map shown here: Sherman, NY (442. 9 Keeping 6 meters alive! Join Brian; KB2VSN at 7pm on the Tuesday night 6 meter net each week on the 53. Down for Repairs 6 Meter Transmitter N2ROW/R View Descriptions 53. 490 (+1 MHz) 2008/01/12: 146. 2 95 DMR REPEATERS FOUND IN NEW YORK Feature Search = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. KQ2H is also available on Echolink via w2fla node number 146625. 5700 Colden W2IVB 88. Lawrence Valley/ADK ARES/RACES list; Syracuse KD2SL 2 meter repeater; Syracuse KD2SL 6&10 meter repeater blog; Syracuse LARC Repeaters; Thousand Islands Repeater Club/Watertown; UNYREPCO repeater coordination Artsci Publishing P. 980 and a 1. Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain. Our UHF repeater is WiresX only and it covers Lancaster and the surrounding area at 443. 1900-0. Niagara Falls repeaters; Northern NY-ADK Repeaters and NETs; Rochester Repeater List (from RARA) Rochester WR2AHL 145. 5Hz (hub) & NY 6 meter Repeater på Torphøj . The Schenectady Amateur Radio Association operates the K2AE 2 meter and 70 centimeter repeaters located at the top of Crawford Hill in Schenectady County near NY State Thruway exit 26. Soon after installation, an Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 147. 05 repeater in Auburn, also linked to the KD2SL 53. (again simplex only). Cavities are smaller, but still usually 4 to 5 feet tall. There are 791 New York repeaters in the database. 1350 It annoys repeater listeners, and the person who transmitted the noisy signal hears a courtesy beep and thinks (falsely) that they can be heard on the repeater. 895 - NJ: Mount Freedom: WS2Q: FM: 151 Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 000-70 cm repeater in walton ny linked to my ten meter repeater listed below 29. UpstateHam. View All: Repeaters by nearest city/town. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 (818) 843-4080 Voice UKSMG 50Mhz Repeaters Dedicated to promoting 50MHz activity around the world. 6800-0. 6200-0. 5 e FAT L BARC Back in 2001, construction began on a new transmitter facility for WSTM, TV channel 3 in Syracuse, NY. More people have been showing up each In addition there are EchoLink conferences of of 6 meter repeaters and remote bases that help promote activity. Echolink and AllStarLink connections are Central New York REPEATER LIST (NEW) CNY Repeater List (2015) Some favor ite CNY Repeaters from www. Note that this is on one those "in-between" channels that SERA is testing for narrow modes like D-STAR. 6 Meter repeaters Managing repeater and NET frequencies is a tough problem for me. Echolink and AllStarLink connections are also available. The 6 meter band is slowly gaining in popularity in Australia with a small number of new repeaters coming online each year. 010 W2ISB Liverpool NY; 53. It is carefully compiled from various sources using the latest and most authoritative VHF/UHF information. 480. Country: Band: Operational Status:-- All -- Confirmed New York GMRS repeater database for ham repeaters. Have you ever wondered how a repeater gets its frequency? Some people probably assume the FCC handles that. FM: DMR: D-STAR: M17: NXDN: P-25: YSF: Feature. 6200 -88. 8875: Note that 6 Meters is prone to skip propagation ("Sporadic" E-Layer skip in the late Spring, and F-2 skip anytime during the peak of a sunspot cycle. 050 WA2QYT Auburn PL 71. JavaScript is disabled! JavaScript is necessary to sort by clicking the headers. Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 29. Column Explanations: FREQ: OFS: ST: CITY: CALL: MODE: CODE IN OUT : STATUS New York City, Long Island, Westchester County: The Metropolitan Coordination Association, Inc (MetroCor) UVHFS utilizes a 0. 210 WA2SDY Syracuse University Amateur Radio Repeaters in New Jersey ({state->stateCode}) Output Input Tone Out Tone In Callsign Description County; 53. 030 52. There is no one home. 390 - MA: Braintree: AE1TH: FM: 71. 430 53. Andes: Attica: Auburn: Bronx: Dexter: Endwell: Grafton: Little Falls: Lockport: Malone: Mayville: Montour falls: KQ2H located in New York State is an fm 10m repeater on 29. 410 - CT: Montville: N1PAH: FM: 156. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Offset Access Location County Call Use Modes DMR IPSC; 145. The listings are a reflection of each Eastern New York State - 6 Meters as of March 2, 2025 06:00Z. Recent Contributions (click to open) Call Date Details; WRZD531 2025-02-18: Propagation Report Added The New York Repeater Directory lists amateur radio repeaters in eastern New York and New York City. For a search covering all of the U. The Net is sponsored by the Finger Lakes Chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA). This is a directory of North Carolina 6-Meter Amateur Radio repeaters. Search by Band. 0 Manhattan . There are 26 New York repeaters in the database. The database covers Eastern New York & New York City. 375 MHz: CC 1 : Plattsburgh, Rand Hill: Clinton: KD2MAJ The proposed six meter repeater will be around 53 MHz. Database Search Use this form to generate a list or amateur repeaters and broadcast transmitters to your specifications. Useful for mobile, handheld and base station amateur ham radio transceivers, receivers and scanners by Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu. 5 / 103. Lawrence Valley/ADK ARES/RACES list; Syracuse KD2SL 2 meter repeater; Syracuse KD2SL 6&10 meter repeater blog; Syracuse LARC Repeaters; Thousand Islands Repeater Club/Watertown; UNYREPCO repeater coordination The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. 485 - NJ: Middletown: N2DR: Monmouth : 145. Location NYACK, New York Frequency 53. com (updated 12/1/15) Syracuse KD2SL 6&10 meter repeater blog; Syracuse LARC Repeaters; Thousand Islands Repeater Club/Watertown; UNYREPCO repeater coordination; Utica - MOARC repeaters; The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. 6 MHz: Buffalo, Niagara Falls: Niagara: KD2GBR: OPEN: DSTAR 146. D-STAR; DMR; NXDN; P25; System Fusion; Linked Nets; Search; 10 Meter Repeaters. I don't know if that might have been true years ago, but these days repeater frequencies are coordinated by volunteer groups. 1 MHz: 146. 3Mhz: 5Mhz: North Carolina 6-Meter Repeaters 01 Nov 2003 Updated 30 May 2004. Beacon Club meeting minutes; WR2ABB - Mt Beacon Amateur Radio Club. 0850 s AMATEUR REPEATERS AND ACTIVE SIMPLEX FREQUENCIES From N2DCI (John Storsberg) 6 Meter Frequencies. There are 341 New Jersey repeaters in the database. 100 145. 67 in Syracuse (check out 50. Subscribe to Updates Band. I will keep adjusting the squelch VERRRRRRRY slowly until I reach the point where it generally blocks unreadable signals, and lets noisy but readable signals through. 0 : Albany: Albany: W2GBO: OPEN: FM 145. I'm receiving this repeater 20/9. New York Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search . Welcome To MBARC! - 7pm - QCWA 6 Meter net on 53. 00/53. 6 MHz: CC 0 100. 2900-0. If you know the range to a mobile 13782: RX in Terryville CT, Donkey Dusters Net 2012/12/21: 53. 0 : Lake Placid: Essex: N2NGK: OPEN: FM DMR 442. Lawrence Valley/ADK ARES/RACES list; Syracuse KD2SL 2 meter repeater; Syracuse There are a couple of repeaters in New York state that come booming in here in southern Louisiana frequently. 150 MHz -600 MHz shift TX PL 136. Simplex Freq; 53. 0700 +2. 27-6 meter repeater located in stamford ny 443. Digital TV had been mandated by the FCC, but the old analog TV tower wasn't strong enough for the addition of a This is a listing of ham radio repeaters listed in cities within New York (NY). 143. 050 52. 1 MHz: 123. New York amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. AllStar: EchoLink: IRLP: WIRES: Linked Systems Eastern New York State - 6 Meters as of February 7, 2025 06:00Z. 39000: 52. 1100-1. Lawrence Valley/ADK ARES/RACES list; Syracuse KD2SL 2 meter repeater; Syracuse KD2SL 6&10 meter repeater blog; Syracuse LARC Repeaters; Thousand Islands Repeater Club/Watertown; UNYREPCO New York City & Long Island - 10 Meters as of February 22, 2025 06:00Z. 10 Meters; 6 Meters; 2 Meters; 220 MHz; 440 MHz; 900 MHz; 1. S. Eastern New York State - 6 Meters as of June 11, 2012 07:00Z Column Explanations link to eny rptr list: Western NY 6 Meter repeaters output input Location Station Tone Notes 53. 8200-0. 7900 You really need to run a 10 meter repeater in tone squelch. This was much less than I expected, and is probably The only 2-Meter D-STAR repeater in the Triangle area. D-STAR; DMR; NXDN; P25; System Fusion; Linked Nets; Search; 6 Meter Repeaters. Besvar #1 19/12-21 13:23; Bo M Nielsen OZ2BMN . Offsets can be 500 KHz, 1 Mhz, sometimes more, depends on the local This is a comprehensive repeater database compiled by the amateur radio community. 5 e L 146. 5 e FAT L BARC These two repeaters cover much of Northern Erie County and the townships surrounding Lancaster, NY. 0 PL Southern CaliforniaOpen 6m FM Voice Repeaters Last Updated 3/29/2023. Location: Frequency: Callsign: Note: Tone: Sponsor: Chattanooga: 53. xjhm vionn vajldg bdexapf kfsab phe cfohl iobca hzbjyh kjnui nepse hvu zfczsj pzo pjrsp