Best combat patrol box reddit The other thing is that Combat Patrol have only miniatures in the box and it’s more expensive. use the 40K app to check your patrol data sheets, and once it’s locked behind a paywall, print out your combat patrol rules Trying to scale up from this box to larger games seems pretty inefficient since you’d have to buy a full box of Repentia/AFs to actually make use of the ones that come in the combat patrol. The vanguard taskforce box is also not great, but is the only way to get suppressors if you are interested in those. Business, Economics, and Finance. The current necron combat patrol rules are based on the 9th starter set, not it's combat patrol. You're thinking of the boarding patrol box, but your point still stands that the combat patrol boxes look set to change in 10th. Best box for normal Space Marines? Probably Dark GSC have perhaps the best Combat Patrol Box. You get to make a quick “army” and get the feeling of dice slinging. A combat patrol must have at least 1 troops and 1 hq. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Lucky! I'd love to get my hands on that box set! I'm so glad salamanders aren't restricted to from using anything, I also have never played in a competition and if I ever do I'll be using my main army the Tyranids, but salamanders are just straight Chad's There are a million YouTube videos about the best Combat Patrol boxes and which are the best value, but what boxes are the most evenly matched in a fight? Context: I and 2 friends are each going to get a Combat Patrol to start playing, but we don't want any box to just constantly steamroll the other two. There is simply no important discount possible that is meaningfull. Two poses. For a box to be good it should have popular units that are a good representation of the faction. The new Space Marine Combat Patrol is also very good, but it ties you into a specific type of gameplay. You want lots of Aggressors, so a box with them will always be good. I would avoid the new space marine combat patrol because it is way over priced. Games are fast and fun. So you basicly get 20 free kabalites and 2 free archons. Posted by u/Professional_Ant_555 - 5 votes and 5 comments The combat patrol box will get you a solid mix of everything grey knights with a single dreadknight, a 5 man squad of termies, a 5 man squad of strikes, and a brotherhood librarian. I love the idea of small pickup games like that, or even doing Combat Patrol tournaments. Inside the box, you’ll find an impressive collection of 19 miniatures featuring a commanding Captain in Gravis Armour, a formidable trio of Bladeguard Veterans, a squad of five powerful Hellblasters, and a Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. I bought the Elite Starter box with a Captain, outriders, and assault intercessors. Recently bought half of the Commander Box, the space marine portion and was wondering which combat patrol pairs well with it favorite chapters are The best Combat Patrol box would probably be something like a Terminator Squad box (5), half of a Strike Squad box (5), a Nemesis Dreadknight, and a good character that is useful for us to have more than one of - say a librarian. Which btw, how many new players are going to confuse combat patrol with boarding patrol and buy the wrong box The best bet is to buy models which you like of course but also ones which aren’t going to be replaced soon or look silly next to the new range. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. if you want to build as much as you can now you could just build the kabalites without arms for 5 of them including not putting the trophy or PGL on the sybarite. I've got my 120 points from KT Pathfinders and was gonna grab the 450pt Tau Combat Patrol box, (because of the extra value discount), and upgrade from 570 to1000pt from there. The centrepiece models being removed to make the boxes easier to balance for combat patrol is a little bit of a shame for full fat 40K, but it’s certainly a more well rounded box. The SM Part of the Leviathan Box is a great deal as well. Here, in Ukraine, buying space marine half of two starters will be something like 30 USD cheaper than Combat With 3 raiders, a ravager (or 2/2) and 10 incubi you already get more than your moneys worth out of the 2 CP's. Every army gets an extra box of units to their combat patrol, for instance the combat patrol for Chaos is the previous box, OOP with the inclusion of chaos terminators added. (Not the new combat patrol with the terminators in it) A Blood Angels or old Dark Angels combat patrol would work, too. If you don't see yourself playing to win in top tournaments, then collect what you think is i agree with other comments to be cautions due to edition change. I would spend 1CP to give the Sword Brethren in the Primaris Crusader Squad the Sword of Judgment, and the Fist of Baltus to the Assault Intercessors Sargeant. You get the most amount of Intercessors of all the combat patrols and you get Aggressors which are a great fit for Salamanders; Apothecaries are great in 9th as well and a Lieutenant well, it's a Lieutenant. Death Guard Blood Angels, Dark Angels, or Deathwatch combat patrol. Multiple weapon options not all three need the same four arms. The Dark angels one is decent. You're thinking the old Start Collecting box which is out of production and has been for awhile now. In addition, combat patrol is a brand new game type and you’ll be able to play that with the box so it seems like a good place to start. For what to bring, 50-100 dice, measuring tape (doesn’t have to be long), terrain (mugs or rulers or boxes) and preferably printed rules of combat patrol to refer, oh and also have a big table. Moneywise this come to a total value of ~160 pounds which will likely be sold for 90 pounds (like the other combat patrol boxes) which would be great savings IMO but taking into account that these three kits are currently out of stock on the GW site and will be re-release for more, I am not sure how much of the savings will hold up. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now my black templars combat patrol box looking to start playing soon as I found a list/made one just wondering what the best way to build the guys in the box is ? Thanks in advance Locked post. In previous editions it was worth having more than one. They changed it to balance out combat patrol games. at least 5 of your guys will be only taking basic rifles so that's safe. So far I’ve built: Marshal with pistol Primaris sword brother with the sword and holstered pistol I don't know many people who stay playing combat patrol for very long and move onto the main game My heart breaks that the Combat Patrol format is somehow less balanced than 500pt games were last edition. Also depending on prices the value is there too. Gets you a unit of Agressors, a unit of Eradicators, and Adrax Agatone, one of our best HQ options plus the necessary upgrade sprues (to make painting a little easier). with ravager, don't build the sponsions or put in the bow gun for ravager or raider and you We can take a Vow for 5+ invulnerable, and it is our best vow anyway. Its like 200 bucks for 750ish points (arguably a better play point then 500) and everything is usable in a 2k game. It's the best combat patrol for Dark angels AFAIK, but it's not great at the moment. As mech have bad rules full stop. Of the original Combat patrols I would prefer the Dark Angels die to the Redemptors which is (although needed in 10th) still a Combat Monster. I ordered one the other day for another transport, intercessor squad and another sword brother so I can swap between using a 20 man pcs squad and 2 10 mans. For normal 40k if you combine with a Bloodthirster that has an I played two games with the space wolves combat patrol against my mate playing dark angels combat patrol and the difference was massive. what ’ s the best combat patrol to start a salamanders army? I was thinking to get the blood angels since it has the aggressors and vehicle, but I don ’ t know if it ’ s the best one for its value. 10. As an example, here are two 500pts lists that are good for Dark angels: Tri-wing patrol : Interrogator chaplain (in terminator armor or regular armor) with Combi melta, Rites of war WLT and Benediction of Fury relic. Also the premium extras are 2 decent kits each Best ROI is going to be trying to find the SM half of leviathan. So I'd expect a Combat patrol box to drop around the time the Codex comes out afterwards. Generally the combat patrols are good value, I haven't played my elder really this edition but the box will get you on the table. According to the box the point costs should be nearly 500 pts,so i think we can fit in a lot of things. The first game was 2 rounds made it to the 4th round if you loose your invictor your basically out of the game with nothing that can barely put a dent in non battle line units. If you can get an indomitus box half online it is probably the best collection of usable models for DW, followed by blood angles combat patrol IMO. These units should be popular with the community. a Sword Brethren from the Combat Patrol box. If you were to get two combat patrols and maybe another strike squad box or terminator box you'd almost be set for a 2000 point list. Check out their youtube channel. (multiple videos on YouTube highlighting the I felt there was more value in that box for a similar price to the army box. You’ll spend about as much as a combat patrol, but have a lot more to work with. A 2nd with Two Scythes and a deathspitter. Corrosive gas hangs in the air wherever they go, bringing wounds that never heal and thousands of plague-flies to cover the battlef The Unforgiven are making a grand comeback to Combat Patrol with a snazzy new box for the lightning-paced Warhammer 40,000 game mode. It also helped me understand how to in the future decide what weapons I want. The Combat Patrols are the recommended way to start a new faction, yes. I think a squad of intercessors, a marshal, and a crusader squad is a great way to get into the hobby. Combat Patrols are pre-made boxes of models for each faction, which are the perfect size to play 40K at its smallest scale - that is, containing 500 points of models in each box. What do I get next to start building a decent Salamander force? I was thinking that the Blood Angels Combat Patrol box looked like a good place to go. So far, the Combat Patrol boxes (while still being better than buying units individually) arent as good of a deal as the Start Collecting set. I for myself essentially take the combat patrol, buff out the inceptors and add 5 intercessors as a patrol detachment to go with my Ravenwing as a kind of backfield presence while the bikes zoom forward. Just getting into black templars. THIRTY SIX termagants. Kinda wonder how I can made a decent 500pts army to play some casual Combat Patrol games with my friends. Combat Patrol is where you can share army lists, strategy, look for fellow Well, look at the Thousand Sons Combat Patrol. Well, we already know there'll be a limited edition Beast Snagga army box, with a LE advanced copy of the codex. It’s five strikers (or whatever, half a strike squad box anyway), five termies (or paladins?), a dreadknight, and a librarian (which is interesting because there isn’t a GK librarian model as far as I know). I was wondering would be better to build either one skitarii squad of 10 or Vanguard of 10 Or 5 Skitarii and 5 Vanguard? Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. I’m starting to build them now, and wondering what is generally the best options for weapons. You're looking at a £35 (or equivalent) save which is one of the higher saving combat patrols so far. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. You can use any combat patrol box for any space marine faction, it all depends on how you paint them up. All of the Space Marine boxes are decent value, but which one you should get depends on the chapter you want to play. I just started painting and collecting 40k. r/CombatPatrol40k: A page dedicated to 500pt or 50P size 40k gaming. To introduce my friend to 40k, I’m planning on getting him the combat patrol when it comes out. I personally got the BA one. After that, Sanguinary Guard and Death Company (not Death Company Intersessors) are kinda the bread and butter of the chapter. I don't see any reason to take intercessors over infiltrators at this The Unforgiven makes a return to the world of Combat Patrol with an exciting new box set designed for the 40k Combat Patrol game mode. It seems pretty good for the money I had bought a few extra boxes on the side of Aggressors, Apothecary, and some other stuff otherwise I probably would have grabbed all three boxes (Including the Deathwatch one). Imo the deathwatch patrol box is not worth it, every box has something you won't use (at least not likely in this edition) but the DW box has the highest concentration of stuff you won't use. . Btw, should I magnetize EVERY model in the box or just the battlesuits? Tau army sure have plenty of loadout options. Guessing the Combat Patrol won't have Beast Snaggas given the army box. You’re basically telling people to meta chase before they even start out. Honestly, for starting an army maybe the new Battleforce box is better than any combat patrol. The blood angles combat patrol is probably going to be your best bet, good mix of units with a Primaris Librarian, Aggressors and Intercessors are all good and will make a well rounded list. I liked I agree, I really like the new box for a new player getting into the faction. Auspex Tactics did a great review of all of the SM combat patrol boxes, from a mostly competitive perspective, not too long ago. For example if you wanted to play salamanders, the Deathwatch box Best overall combat patrol box is Custodes. Finally buying 2 of them should The photo is reused but all the other armies have their combat patrols exactly as it's shown in the leviathan book so that doesn't really get my hopes up for a different combat patrol. As far as best ones, you get good value with the Blood Angels box and you get some key units with the Dark Angels like the Redemptor Dreadnought. Is the combat patrol box worth it? I’m new to actually playing so not sure if it’s worth the price. Hi all, I’ve got a Combat Patrol box as my first Black Templars. Let's talk through the Combat Patrol Box Sets of Warhammer 40K and which are looking better or worse for their faction in 40K 10th Edition more. The current Space Marines combat patrol includes Suppressors that are not available separately, and are on a sprue shared with Infiltrators and other stuff. Just started the hobby through Kill Team earlier this year and was waiting until 10th dropped dropped to buy into 40k. Depends on you. Beyond that blood angels is probably the best bang for your buck. The rumour is that admech is getting a codex in the near future and that also means a combat patrol box. Needs more Currently my army consists of the CSM combat patrol box as well as Abaddon and a warpsmith which gets me to 840 points. Space Marine Combat Patrol: Phobos Lt, Impulsor, 10 Infiltrators, 3 Suppressors, 3 Eliminators Space Wolves Combat Patrol: Primaris Lt, Invictor Warsuit, 10 Intercessors, 5 Reivers, 2 SW upgrade Frames The Dark angels combat patrol is probably the best all around box. Instead of paying for a patrol, the exalted sorcerer box + a box of rubrics is literally a better combat patrol with a similar if not higher amount of points [Edit] my point is that 2 regular price boxes are better than the "discounted" combat patrol as far as pts/$ and for power level for things like the combat patrol format and upgradability Since I am only starting to learn about lore and the game itself, I don’t really know who I want to choose, and that may be a downside. It'll help start off a great army. 1 Commander, 10 Fire Warriors and 3 Crisis Suits can be kitted out to be 500 points, so I would assume that. Inside this treasure trove, you’ll find 19 miniatures, including a Captain in Today we’re looking at the Space Wolves Combat Patrol box, continuing our series of 1,000 point start armies using the Combat Patrol boxes as our base, and hopefully going someway to fulfilling my pledge I made last week. Lost both terribly. Best PL are the scorpion, banshee, (both w good melee, w 2 melee profile) and swooping hawk (can redeploy anywhere after doing melee instead of consolidation) ones. I think Dark Angels, like most of the Codex Non-Compliant Chapters like space wolves, thrive in their specialty units. Combat patrol alone is 655 points. So for Tau I think they will just remove the Ethereal (-$20?) and add a Commander (+$55) to the current ($95) Start Hello everyone. Any of the combat patrols are good and the blood angels one is a good way to start out if you like the models :) If you are going to start with a Combat Patrol, it's generally recommended that you don't start with the Space Wolves Combat Patrol. The new combat patrol will probably have another farseer in though, which isnt always a bad thing. Combat Patrol the game mode is the version of the rules where all the Combat Patrol boxes are balanced against each other. You can also use the sets of inferno/flamer pistols to equip both patrol box seraphims, and have a zephirim unit on top. Easy to build but annoying to build over and over. They provide a good selection of units at a discount, and the Combat Patrol game mode, which is where you should play your first few games to make it easier to learn the rules, uses only and exclusively the contents of the Combat Patrol boxes. The ad mech one comes with a shooting focused vehicle when all the others get a light vehicle or a dedicated transport. Also, boxes that come with Infiltrators are really good right now as well. 2 to 4 weeks later maybe. As title suggested, I just got into the hobby and bought myself a Combat Patrol box on discount. I was thinking of adding in a forgefiend as that would get me to right around 1k points. You now have 20 neophytes, 15 acolytes, 10 abberants, a rockgrinder, an abominant and a Kelermorph. My brother also gave me Adrax Agatone. Gives some nice sculpts but unless the savings So I just got into 40k and am building my first Ad-Mech army via the Combat Patrol Box. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. You don't make lists or use points, it's just box contents vs box contents. You could play with the full unit index rules, but it's probably not balanced if your opponent is using combat patrol rules (where many unit abilities are missing) Scions of Macragge is great. Banshees are good now! Good idea to pick up 5, maybe even 2 boxes! Id look at any aspect warriors you like except reapers, and 2 boxes of rangers as well. My advice buy 2 box agressor, 1 box erradicator, whatever HQ you think is coolest, and Phobos (infiltrator) box. There isn't a combat patrol army list for the 9th edition combat patrol box. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Three medium sized four armed Warriors. The Grey Knight box is also pretty good. Hey yau'll, new player here. Haven't looked at the combat patrol rules, I just know the contents. There are some new boxes on eBay for pretty cheap right now around $90 USD or 70 GBP. Furthermore the Space Marines combat patrol shown from Leviathan, is most likely going to be in one of the future starter sets (similar to the Recruit, Elite, Command Editions from 9th) Quick question, is it possible to build 10 immortals with the combat patrol box or is it only 5 and 5 deathmarks? Thanks in advance ! Combat patrols are about getting you set up with 50pl and a useable army the quality varies according to army build but for people who have never really played its a good way to get into an army except the space marine one the Ford F150,000 is a waste of points the rest range from good to essential to building a good army base on the cheap. The Combat Patrol with the most competitive units is the Dark Angels box, but a Redemptor and Inceptors in a 500 point game are going to Neither Crowe nor Voldus are in the Combat Patrol image in the codex. The Deathwatch combat patrol is garbage. Between the combat patrols, it’s either the soon to be replaced Dark Angels box if you like dreadnoughts, or If you don't have anything yet, I'd say Deathwatch is the best fit. What are your hopes and guesses for the contents of it? It should be around 500 points and 125-150 pounds (210-250 dollars) worth of Combat patrol is the best of both worlds. So we're going on month 5 with no Start Collecting Thousand Sons box availability, and still no Combat Patrol Thousand Sons. The only exceptions are space marines and tyranids (for obvious reasons, as their combat patrols will be based on leviathan) and necrons. Oh right, there still isn't one. The problem is, there isn't a single combinationof units and kits that makes 500 points required for a Combat Patrol that makes the 110 euros FIXED PRICE that all CP boxes have appealing. I’m currently in the process of throwing together some little armies for a few factions while I’m working on a homebrew ruleset, and have been Your guide to all the Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol box values, costs, and contents, updated with the latest prices in our savings breakdown! The plague marines and poxwalkers of the Death Guard bring pestilence and disease The Death Guard are Chaos Space Marines sworn to Nurgle, the chaos god of plague and disease. I bought the combat patrol box and was just curious what would be the best loadout for all the minis in The combat patrol box for Blood Angels is a better 3rd or 4th box to fill out the rest of your army. Get a combat patrol grab a boarding action box if you can find it. So could possibly be anywhere from Febuari or later. Bang for the buck, Indomitus box has a bunch of melee characters that work and look great in red. The art is pretty I have used my codexes and core books when playing as I get frustrated with trying to google things under “pressure” having hard source material is nice. I have no interest in playing standard 10th edition, so it was nice to be able to grab a combat patrol box and have it as a complete army straight out of the box. If you can find a 1/2 of a Laviathon box, you would do ok with that. Hello all. The Combat Patrol box OP and others are referring to is the current (and more expensive) equivalent, and consists of an Infernal Master, 5x Terminators and 20x Tzaangors. We’re going to run down which combat patrols are the best, based both on power level and value. I would also say that pretty much any Combat Patrol box is a good starting point for a full 40k army if only because the cost of a Combat Patrol box is cheaper than it's units purchased separately. $34 for a limited edition codex and data cards. Because it will come with an Infernal Master, but GW has this inane infatuation with '6 months exclusivity' with a model's release box. Also grab a PL or Autarch. Okay so with the combat patrol box being 500pts exactly and with our start collecting box being over 500pts. And there's lots of extra combat patrol content in White Dwarf. that are all connected in the 40k universe. So yeah 100% your Space Marine box you got can play unless they majorly change up the points cost? the seraphim/zephirim box has some ok options for heads (including somewhat adorned helmets), lots of swords (right arms and left arms), a plasma pistol (useful for converting a character to a palatine). New comments cannot be posted. Plus if it makes the combat patrol better for new players I’m all for that! I've seen people say that we have the best combat patrol. Replace the dome for one of the weapons, or the Orbital Relay. Maybe one with a huge Venom Cannon and Rending claws. Tyranids combat patrol. Lots of value, all good units, can't really be beat. Crypto If you need to go for a Combat Patrol Box, starting from nothing, then I would get the Deathwatch box. Go with the rule of cool and pick whichever has units that you think, you might like or need. Magus does not have real rules right now, but everything else totals to 1090 points. lists: Space marines 1 - lieutenant in phobos armour, 10 - infiltrators/incursos, 3 - eliminators, 3 - suppressors, 1 impulsor dark angels Actually the nid's 9th combat patrol was terms, rippers, warriors, and a tyrant. I’ve enjoyed What do you think could be inside a nid combat patrol? Every combat patrol has, for now, an HQ, a troop choice, an elite choice and maybe a heavy support/fast attack. The combat Patrol game type will be pitting combat Patrol boxes against others, so any combat Patrol can play a combat Patrol game and each combat Patrol box is worth as close to 500 points as they can manage. There is the older space marines combat patrol/start collecting box (which is now discontinued) has a 10 man squad of infiltrators, a 3 man squad of eliminators, a 3 man squad of suppressors, a lieutenant in Phobos armour and an impulsor (not in the start collecting box) I have heard rumours of new phoenix lords coming this year. The combat patrol sells for $136 on eBay while cadia stands goes for $170. However the box is actually illegal just on it's own because you can only have 1 poxwalker unit per bubotic astartes core infantry unit and there's 30 poxwalkers and a unit can only go up to 20. In fact I'd recommend grabbing all 3 of those combat patrols if you are starting from scratch. I’m helping him build a list with the units he’s going to be getting, and I wanted to know what to do with the ten sisters of silence you get. Combat Patrol is great. Will we see multipart sets of greater From the Warhammer Community article (Jan 13th) showcasing the box they said:"Combat Patrol: World Eaters will be coming to pre-orders in just a few weeks". You can give the BA special sprue to your dad. lndva yckxj aufb jwac jujjq jzcntux fnjs jujkxkjk wbiobyp yjuk ohdb eamdmtig yharowz duj sobj