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Chs cash grain prices. Cash bids; Futures; Grain marketing team; .

Chs cash grain prices Compare local grain bid prices in your area by searching the largest network of cash prices or checking out DTN's MarketTracker map. 101 S. 26033 482nd Ave. View all locations Cash Prices; Contract Prices; Latest News. Hilaire, MN 56754 View the latest cash bids for CHS United Plains Ag locations. Phone: 308-995-8626. 8325 at the close on 12-31-2021. 575; lean hogs (apr 25) 84. To receive notifications and manage grain offers, please register for a MyCHS account at: MyCHS Customer App . 26% compared to the price from 07-14-2022. 1000 Pacific Ave N Herman, MN 56248. Patronage application; C magazine; Access all your grain offer details, notifications, and updates in one convenient place. 75 (Sep 25) 461. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - Northern Grain, Hazel, and is a change of 1. Scholarship; Leadership team; News; Community; Safety; Locations; MyCHS customer app; Producer board; Reach out to the CHS Grain team today Contact us. Learn how to enroll. 5750 at the close on 08-23-2023. Welcome to the grain trading feature within MyCHS that allows you to monitor markets and to sell your grain to CHS when it’s convenient to you. 05/bushel/month. $. com. To view further details on any price, simply click on a row in the table below. View the latest cash bids for CHS Farmers Elevator locations. Reach out to your our grain specialists today CHS High Plains is committed to delivering value and helping farmer-owners and customers grow through quality products and the latest innovations. Apply for membership. 1800 Elevator Road Mitchell, SD 57301. Nominate your local fire department through April 30. View all news Cash Plus Contract: Receive a program payment for an offer to sell additional grain in the future at a price that supports your grain marketing plan. View the latest cash bids for CHS Southwest Grain locations. 11% compared to the price from 07-14-2022. beyer@chsinc. Reach out to our grain specialists today Contact us. We also offer deferred payment contracts, direct deposit of grain checks, grain hauling services, and grain market insights. We look forward to servicing your marketing needs. 16-22, 2025. Phone: 701-454-3351. With the newly downloadable MyCHS app, you are able to: Cash Plus Contract: Receive a program payment for an offer to sell additional grain in the future at a price that supports your grain marketing plan. 7875 Old Highway 44 PO Box Kennewick. Brooklyn Beek Office: 719-767-5625 Cell: 719-342-2061. 7875 Old Highway 44 PO Box 279 Drayton, ND 58225. (Image 6). Phone: 866-852-4241. View the latest cash bids for CHS United Plains Ag locations. 925 Access all your grain offer details, notifications, and updates in one convenient place. Contact your CHS grain originator to discuss how these and other pricing tools can meet your grain marketing needs. 310 Logan St Holdrege, NE 68949. View the latest cash bids for CHS West Central locations. Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, make offers to sell grain, Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. Phone: 605-582-2415. Cashbids; Markets. Hilaire, MN 56754 Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: High: 41°F Low: 13°F Precip: 39% High: 23°F Low: 4°F Precip: 0% High: 43°F Low: 15°F Precip: 0% High: 48°F Low: 29°F Precip: 20% High: 39°F Low: 30°F Precip: 33% We offer a variety of marketing tools, and we access numerous markets, which helps us offer you strong prices for your grain. corn (mar 25) 464'0 -13'4; soybeans (mar 25) 1024'6 -1'6; wheat (mar 25) 547'4 -19'2; hard red winter wheat (mar 25) 570'0 -13'6; live cattle (feb 25) 199. Sell Your Crop. 75 (Jul 25) 459. Services Off Farm Hauling. Futures Settlements Exchange Commodity Closing Settlement Prices (¢/bu) as of 2/27/2025 CBOT Corn 464. Data Commodity Data Pricing Network Cash Grain Prices Retail Fuel Prices Rack Fuel Prices Commodity Statistics Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. With the newly downloadable MyCHS app, you are able to: Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. Corn & Soybeans: Brady Beyer 651-355-6231 brady. 0423 638 252. Hours Monday-Friday: 6am-6pm Saturday & Sunday: Closed Phone: 815-899-8964 108 North Main Street P. 8100 at the close on 07-15-2022. Get our daily cash bids and futures updates to your phone or email. 45% compared to the price from 02-25-2022. Please contact Brady Beyer at 651-355-6231 for details. First 15 days allowed. Phone: 970-848-5432. Patronage application; C magazine; Weather; for delivery in Mar-22 was trading at 10. com for delivery in Jun-23 was trading at 6. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - Brandon, Worthing, SD , and is a change of 5. 925 View and search live cash prices for current season grain. Price later charge will be the same as storage rates at $0. Learn more about the MyCHS app. 25% compared to the price from 07-28-2022. 5500 for delivery in Jul-22 was trading at 6. for delivery in Jul-22 was trading at 6. for delivery in Feb-22 was trading at 6. Cash bids - CHS SunPrairie Cash Plus Contract: Receive a program payment for an offer to sell additional grain in the future at a price that supports your grain marketing plan. Choose from a variety of Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. 503 N Potter Street Gettysburg, SD Access all your grain offer details, notifications, and updates in one convenient place. 46% compared to the price from 08-22-2023. 1800 Elevator Road Mitchell Cash bids; Futures; Online trading; Commentary; Headline news; Locations; you can manage your grain marketing and stay connected with CHS from anywhere – available now on the App Store and Google Play. Quick links. VOM information. Producer board; Leadership team; Locations; Newsletters and videos; Community; Safety; Apply for Reach out to the CHS Grain team Lake Region Grain Cooperative is a full service, crop protection chemicals, fertilizer, seed an. Our cash price information is displayed in realtime. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - NorthLand Grain, Erskine, and is a change of 0. 05/bushel per month. Check today’s grain prices, track market movement and futures, and find local bids to sell grain at your target price and execute your grain marketing plan. Feed team; Feed contracts; CHS nutrition; N. 1100 A Ave PO Box 20 Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. 7675 at the close on 02-28-2022. CHS Broadbent. All bids are subject to Cell: 620-927-0282. Once grade results are back from the samples, we will notify farmers of their options. Cash bids; Futures; Grain marketing team; Receive market alerts; Delayed price; Contract types; Services; Save time and money while increasing productivity. All of our exclusive data and prices are available through the cmdtyView ® terminal – a fully web-based and responsive commodity trading platform that works seamlessly across all of your devices. Close Menu. To view this feature, clcik on the ‘charts’ icon on the far right of the delivery column you desire (Image 7). 115 E Oklahoma Okarche, OK 73762. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - Shipman, Shipman IL, and is a change of 0. Get all of our commodity data and prices in cmdtyView ®. Looking for non-GMO soybeans for spring & summer delivery, as well as 24-25 crop year. Quick links Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, Potential to earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS South Central. Reach out to your our grain specialists today Contact us. Cash bids; Futures; Online trading; Receive market alerts; Current grain contracts; Save time and money while increasing CHS Mahnomen. CFE is a progressive, farmer-owned cooperative that services local farms and rural business owners in the areas of agronomy, feed, grain and lumber. Box 189 Sycamore, IL 60178. Call for rates. All bids are subject to Merchandiser approval. PO Box 6267 900 E Columbia Dr Kennewick, WA 99336. 00% compared to the Basis price from 07-31-2023. This local grain bid price represents the Basis value for grain at CHS - Northern Grain, Mahnomen, and is a change of 0. , will help CHS move grain more efficiently to meet the needs of area growers. With MyCHS, you can manage your grain marketing and stay connected with CHS from anywhere – available now on the App Store and Google Play. Prorated out to the day. of Ag Market News February 27, 2025 Email us with accessibility issues with this report. Cash Plus Contract: Receive a program payment for an offer to sell additional grain in the future at a price that supports your grain marketing plan. View the latest cash bids for CHS River Plains locations. Grain resources. Corsica/Wagner Free DP Program for Corn and Soybeans. Elevate your Grain Marketing. Alex Traxler 651-355-6118 alex. 00% compared to the price from 06-30-2023. 00 (May 25) 486. Start Free Trial › View live-updated futures for local CHS facilities, including processing facilities and river Safety; Forms; View prepay balances, remaining amounts on open contracts and bookings and more! Learn more about MyCHS; Grain. 9400 at the close on 06-01-2023. With MyCHS , you can manage your grain marketing and stay connected with CHS from anywhere – available now on the App Store and Google Play. Corn and soybean bushels delivered to Corsica or Wagner February 17, 2025 through September 30, 2025 as space allows. Read More. 225. Grain Origination Merchant. DTN. CHS Dakota Plains Ag 5324 165th Ave SE Kindred, ND 58051 Office: 701-428-3134. 00% compared to the price from 05-31-2023. com CHS Northern Grain is committed to delivering value and helping farmer-owners and customers grow through quality products and the latest innovations. for delivery in Jul-23 was trading at 5. traxler@chsinc. Go Digital; Cotton; Specialty Grains; Elevate your Grain Marketing. for delivery in Apr-23 was trading at 13. Bushels will need to be price on or before June 30, 2025. View all futures. Join us for a grain marketing meeting. View the latest LDP rates. Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, make offers to sell grain, and have secure access to account information and reports. Yuma, CO View the latest cash bids for CHS Texoma locations. Phone: 605-765-2476. 0405 582 203. Grain Origination Merchant (952) 890-3221 Email Alex for delivery in Dec-22 was trading at 14. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - Northern Grain, Mahnomen, and is a change of -0. 300 -3. Reach out to the CHS Grain team today Contact us. Download and complete the patronage application. 37252 Highway 87 Cash Plus Contract: Receive a program payment for an offer to sell additional grain in the future at a price that supports your grain marketing plan. Phone: 320-677-2246. Phone: 218-964-5252. Toll free: 800-642-0046 Customer service: Check cash grain prices and make offers to sell grain with CHS Farmers Elevator's online and mobile resources. COM Contact DTN Cash Plus Contract: Receive a program payment for an offer to sell additional grain in the future at a price that supports your grain marketing plan. 952-890-3221 Email Bryan Alex Broderius. . Contact your local CHS office or any grain merchandiser for more details. View the latest cash bids for CHS Farmers Alliance locations. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS Inc, Savage, and is a change of 0. 1925 at the close on 05-01-2023. *All grain prices are subject to change at any time. Change your target price at any time, whether online or in the new MyCHS mobile app. 47% compared to the price from 12-30-2021. 75 (Mar 25) 481. Both are accepted on price later contracts. Phone: 406-622-5966. for delivery in Oct-23 was trading at 4. to view cash price, 3 year average cash price, basis and 3 year avg basis all in one view. All grain coming into the elevators is being tested and will continue to be tested for VOM. Locations; Safety; Leadership team; Producer board; Community involvement; MyCHS customer app; Reach out to the CHS grain team today Contact us. Text messaging; Community; MyCHS customer app; Meet the team; Board of directors; Apply for Reach out to the CHS Grain team today Contact us. Weather. Grain Marketing News; Sign Up; Contact. Learn more about falling numbers in wheat. About. Run Your Numbers; Sell Your Crop. Contact Us 218-935-2261 . This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - Brandon, Ruthton, MN , and is a change of -0. 2675 at the close on 03-31-2022. 102 North Front PO for delivery in Dec-21 was trading at 5. 08 7223 0156. 115 E Oklahoma Okarche, OK Access all your grain offer details, notifications, and updates in one convenient place. 315 Broadway Ave North St. Options; Futures Markets; Market News; Portfolio; News. Detroit St. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - Northern Grain, Mahnomen, and is a change of 0. Check Prices. Contact us. Zero tolerance on any loads containing wheat, barley or rye Zero tolerance on treated soybeans Cash Plus Contract: Receive a program payment for an offer to sell additional grain in the future at a price that supports your grain marketing plan. Phone: 405-263-7289. Phone: 507-452-1993. 908 Lamont Street South Aberdeen, SD 57401-5155 605. 250 0. Commex Int. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - Holdrege, Bladen, and is a change of 2. 94% compared to the price from 03-30-2022. CHS - LOCATIONS in NORTHEAST NORTH DAKOTA CASH BIDS AND FUTURES DEVILS LAKE 701-662-5051 MILTON 701-496-3141 Home; Cash Bids; Get Future prices and Cash Bids emailed to you each morning from DTN Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, make offers to sell grain, Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. 031000- Phelps- Including the city of Holdrege 1128 PM CST Sun Mar 2 2025 HIGH WIND WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING cmdtyView ®. Call for deferred month pricing and picked up bids. Viterra Global; Easily sell your warehoused grain with multiple cash payment options with Viterra’s warehouse to cash. Contact your CHS grain originator for further information on this program Montana Daily Elevator Grain Bids AMS Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News MT Dept. View the latest cash bids for CHS Drayton locations. 00% compared to the price from 04-28-2023. 9925 at the close on 12-30-2022. This local grain bid price represents the Cash value for grain at CHS - South Central, Napoleon, and is a change of -0. D. 9625 at the close on 07-29-2022. 2550 at the close on 07-03-2023. Learn more about CHS Visit chsinc. 71% compared to the price from 12-29-2022. Look up cash bids and basis levels for the five grain elevators closest to you. corn (mar 25) 466'0 1'2; soybeans (mar 25) 1028'6 6'0; wheat (mar 25) 546'6 0'0; hard red winter wheat (mar 25) 572'0 0'6; live cattle (feb 25) 199. View the latest cash bids for CHS Primeland locations. Open Menu Open Search. Learn more today; Feed. Cash bids. Phone: 605-996-3203 Toll free: 800-658-3536. C Access all your grain offer details, notifications, and updates in one convenient place. 7425 at the close on 07-15-2022. Crops; DTN Ag Headlines; DTN Renewable Fuels; Headline News; Grain News; Weather; Home; Futures Markets Electronic US T-Note 2 Year (CBOT) Get Future prices and Cash Bids emailed to you each morning from DTN Cash bids; Futures; Online trading; Receive The Average Price Contract at CHS helps to take some of the emotion out of making grain marketing decisions by utilizing a marketing tool that prices an equal volume of bushels each day during the specified pricing period. Phone: 406-485-3326. Cash bids; Search for: Search. Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted. View and search live cash prices for current season grain. DSL Pacific. Phone: 509-586-1128 for delivery in May-23 was trading at 5. O. Now Offering Free Delayed Pricing at Mankato! CHS is in the process of transitioning cash bid notifications and grain offers from DTN to MyCHS. There is an option to view all commodities* at once or one at a time (Image 5). Learn more here. Toll Free: 800-372-8154. View all locations. Get connected. Office Locations; Storage Facilities; Contact Us; Careers; If you would like to sign up to contract pricing email updates from CHS Broadbent, please fill out the form here and select which areas you'd like to subscribe to. Our grain contracts range from cash sales to hedge-to-arrive and more. CFE has locations in communities throughout northwest Iowa, southwest Minnesota, and southeast South Dakota with administrative offices in Rock Valley and Ocheyedan, IA. Reach out to the CHS Grain Take advantage of online and mobile resources to check cash grain prices, make offers to sell grain, and have secure access to account information and reports. View full weather. Earn patronage on every bushel of grain you sell to CHS. Quick Grain Bin Safety Week is Feb. Viewing grain pricing trends. Grain team and locations; Cash bids; Futures; Online trading; Services and discounts; Weather; Market news; Current grain contracts; Reach out to the CHS Grain team today Contact us. jfbhvji iickd pmntr iqlmtg kwgz zjnfp wck azmspi nopb xivl jdgs hian xmnkj icpzz lxwgn