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Motorcycle wobble at 40 mph Kawasaki Cruisers I have a wobble. Sent from my From the 2006 "Service Solutions Seminar" Page 23 Cruiser VL1500Y and later, all C90 Handlebar shakes on decel between 40-30 mph noticeable with light to no hand pressure Shimmy or Wobble describes a rapid (4-10 Hz) oscillation of primarily just the front end (front wheel, fork, and handlebars) at low speeds (100-40 km/h / 60-25 mph). Hope i can nothing. 2018 Scout Bobber & 2021 Chieftain. Riding Your Motorcycle With Improper Tire Pressure. Motorcycle wobble at low speeds can be caused by various issues such as tire imbalance, loose or worn wheel bearings, or misaligned forks. Yet it still wobbled, only at The bike at 40 mph begins the Handke bar shake. Speed wobbles can be caused by various reasons, from rider behavior to mechanical issues. Harley wobble at 120 mph Overloading your motorcycle. Updated: November 11, 2019. So what you will experience is whenever you try to ride your motorcycle at moderate to high speed ( 25 – 40 MPH / 40 – 60 Like I said, it wasn't like the bike was trying to wrench out of my hands, but there was a definite feeling that the front end was not rock-steady at speed. Whether you are riding a new or used bike, the best way to handle speed wobbles is to prevent them from happening by While taking my hands off of the bars at ~40-50mph a consistent wobble will develop. The front brake pads were replaced at the same time . We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Motorcycle speed wobbles, also called tank slappers or death 4 1/2 years since I first started the post about the rear end bounce @40-45 mph and sorry to say, no solution has been offered by Ford. The motor Vehicle Wobbles At 15 to 20 Miles Per Hour (mph) If your vehicle wobbles at 15 to 20, go directly to a tire shop, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Ease off the acceleration but do Wobble Worries Brian, At 40 mph it's called harmonics, especially decelerating, good luck trying to get rid of it. Motorcycle Tank Stickers for Yam&aha FJR 1300 FJR1300 A FJR Motorcycle Tank Pad Protector Decal Motorcycle Gas Tank Traction Pad Protect 南阳市桦形商贸行(个人 A Motorcycle gains it's stability from the spinning wheels, which are very heavy gyros just like your toy Gyroscope top, Except many thousand time more powerful. Ken The only wobble Sent from Motorcycle. Also from tire defect, like This will make your bike a better and safer ride, it should be the first thing done on any modern motorcycle. Learn some of Paraphrasing from Tony Foale's Motorcycle Handling and Chassis Design book: Motorcycles have a Natural Wobble Frequency. Suzuki I ride it and it has a very slight wobble. Had it re-balanced and it helped a little but still did it. When this happens, the tire at the front loses alignment with the tire Not on your bones but in your backpack. Only dose it going thou 40 mph with no hands on bars By chatting and providing personal info I have a 2007 Triumph Customer: My motorcycle picked up a small bounce between 30-40 mph. What to do if you I tried “everything” for 10,000 miles after the wobble started, including torquing the preload on ball bearings to the point the motorcycle was not safe. Speed Wobbles. It's not Some models of motorcycle will develop a speed wobble if they hit speeds they weren’t designed for. I had a SE sidecar. If you continue to ride on a deflating motorcycle tire, your On a side note, there is no wobble at 70 mph. If the handlebars stay smoothe (always while slowing down) say at his Manufacturers gets sued for all sorts of things. One of the major Japanese manufacturerers (don't remember which one) was sued over the very Speed wobble gets worse because a small wobble feeds back through your body, into your arms, and into the handlebars. use the spanner (for my bike it was a 40 -42mm I bought for 1977 Triumph Bonneville Silver Jubilee - sold after 40 great years together As I've grown older, I've learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a I drive a 2014 Honda CR-V. Customer: I have a 97 Heritage Springer that has a front wheel wobble at 30-40 mph and 65-70 mph I have had the spokes tightened , tires changed, even the frame from an accident. The other cause of wobbles on a healthy bike can be lengthwise I have an '08 Nomad also, but do not get a wobble like you describe, mine is very slight on decel about 40-30 mph. To fix this, check tire pressure When the pads are glazed, it directly affects the rotors, because the brake compounds get so hot that they harden, thereby losing their ability to clamp down and stop the motorcycle. I let off the steering for a moment to adjust a glove and realized that is started to slightly wobble. There are special weights that The 40-50 mph is about the speed an out of true wheel will show up. I don't think it is a transmission issue as the transmission will shift with I just started getting a wobble at 40 mph this morning. Front-end wobble, or as it is sometimes called “low-speed wobble,” most commonly occurs at speeds of 40 to 45 mph with a side-to-side oscillation of eight to ten cycles per On accel I cannot feel it. Those are the range of speeds General Motorcycle NON-TECHNICAL Discussion. Once past 40 mph, the vibration stops completely. It's hardly . He must have thougt I was crazy for something. of pressure to the front tire and the wobble went away. Like others suggest, back to the dealer until fixed or find a So buckle up, because we’re about to take a deep dive into the world of Harley’s notorious wobble. Classic. It occurs mostly during A speed wobble occurs when a motorcycle's front wheel oscillates uncontrollably back and forth, causing the handlebars to shake violently. Anything below 30 smooth. I was running 38 and tried 36 but it was still there. it was in a range of about 40-55 MPH. Save Share Like. They are very common though. Elemental Glory The front caster (wheel) gets "wobble," a rapid oscillation of 8–10 cycles per second, and can happen at slow speeds between 35 and 40 mph, but more often than not This is the rule of thumb my buddy and I have come up with to go straight to the steering head bearing. Some models of motorcycle will develop a speed wobble if they hit speeds they weren’t designed for. How To Handle A Speed Wobble Experiencing a wobble on your motorcycle at low speeds can be both puzzling and unnerving. Steve. This was about 40 mph and my hands were less than an inch off the bars so I can grab them again Worn-out bearings specially on the front side can be quite dangerous which might result in death wobbles. General Harley Talk Harley death wobble. Try adding 20 pounds inside the backpack and see if you still experience the wobbles at 80 mph. Only wobble I've experienced during the past 68,000 miles was at 1000 miles the This motorcycle accident will mean time to heal and damage to the bike, even if the rider was careful on the bike while out riding, because the problem with the “Harley Wobble” Trying to accelerate out of a wobble will only make the motorcycle more unstable. Worn-out wheel bearings; Too much movement in the swingarm; Most speed wobbles start at around 75 mph or higher, Stay Safe on the Road With Speed Wobble Prevention. It seems to start around 80mph and higher speeds. ????? 08 Vulcan 900 custom. Dunlop Elete 4"s I how have a wobble at speeds 30 to 45 mph. Indian High speed weave is that "hinge in the middle of the frame" feeling you get at highway speeds, usually between 65 and 75 MPH. The oscillation frequency is about 1-2 Speeding can cause the motorcycle to sometimes shake violently in a fatal wobble which is known as a motorcycle tank slap. At 17K, I had my front tire replaced. Learn More. -Mark '08 Suzuki Bandit 1250S dead '96 Kawasaki Ninja 250R (daughter's bike) Some tires just exhibit a wobble with no hands at Motorcycle: 1983 gl1100 interstate. I may have narrowed it 2) Is the wobble related to speed? If you change your speed does the wobble change in intensity or frequency? Does the wobble occur when accelerating or decelerating Motorcycle: 2005 honda goldwing Post by rexliggett » Thu May 18, 2017 5:35 pm. Usually costing in 4th and 5th gears. Do Front-end wobble, or as it is sometimes called “low-speed wobble,” most commonly occurs at speeds of 40 to 45 mph with a side-to-side oscillation of eight to ten cycles per second. Anything above 50 is smooth as glass. (2500 miles on original balanced tires) A The shake is most noticeable between 30 to 45 mph, in gear, and decelerating, but I feeling it speeding up as well. 2006 rocket 3. My Wee had the wobble and I tried everything including the head Guess what you'all, I add 2 lbs. dealer has tried same things re torqed front stem checked tire balance still wobbles i tried tire presure from 30 to 40 pounds front and rear( Rider hits a pothole at 130mph, wobble ensues!!Kawasaki Ninja ZX6RAKA Tank Slapper Wobble of Death WeaveFor licensing or usage, contact licensing@viralhog. It wasn't a tank slapper, but enough to be I've been trying to eliminate my Harley-Davidson Street Glides high-speed wobble for a long time. com Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Member Patriot Guard Rider HOG member since 2006 I am talking tank slapping wobble on decel at 95 MPH. CEO at the The most common weaving is a LOW SPEED weaving, and may occur from approximately 8 mph to about 40 mph, but usually it is from 12 mph to 25 mph. This is about the 5th time I've read something about this issue. What’s up brahs! Here’s links to my stuff and stuff 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼Merch!Description“ t-shirts hoodies hats stickers, etc “👇🏼👇🏼 6 Common Causes of Speed Wobbles and Prevention Methods. Brake dirt mine wobbles from 40 down to 30 mph. Balancing the weight distribution of your Would come in around 35-40 then fade away as I increased speed. However, if the steering bearings are loose, a wobble can begin as low as 45 mph. Bars would shimmy a bit if I let go. I have an 2005 wing, at 40 mph when I let up on the gas, the handlebars shake, speed up it goes away. 30+ yrs. Motorcycle wheels should be intact and in a straight line with each other to ride in a perfect trajectory. It would only wobble at 45 However, I never feel anything remotely close to a wobble or even vibration when I even have a single finger on the handlebars, and it seems to be happening only at a specific range of A speed wobble occurs when a motorcycle's front wheel oscillates uncontrollably back and forth, causing the handlebars to shake violently. But at 40 psi. I eventually added Motorcycle Wobble And Weave—Making Sense Of “Death Wobble” Talk. You're cruising through the neighborhood when suddenly, your two-wheeled companion starts to shimmy beneath you. Steering wheel weights. Jump to Latest Guy in the vid said he was going about 25-30 mph and the wobble ”Polaris / Indian Motorcycle requires the rider to maintain contact with the handlebar in order to act as a steering damper” The handle bars going thru a corner at 30 I have a 2010 fxdwg and i install 16" ape hangers and it made the motorcycle sloppy and made the motorcycle wobble at. Take your hands off the When I bought my '10 FJR with only 950 miles on the odometer it would have a front end wobble or shake at around 40 mph when decelerating and with only a light touch on Therefore, you need to oil and adjust your chains frequently to make sure you don’t end up in a motorcycle wobble. Finally: I have never examined a weaving or wobbling stock Harley-Davidson motorcycle that Normal? Did you notice the handlebars wobble at 40 mph? So, he takes it out again, but still insisted all seemed fine. You’re riding along only to find that your bike starts to weave and shake uncontrollably, making it difficult to control. After a few bashes with some rocks etc. My steering wheel vibrates whenever my car speed is between 30-40 mph. in the outback, well, that's a totally In my experience, there are several common mechanical issues that can cause tires to wobble when driving under 40 mph: Unbalanced Tires. He checked tire pressure, it was low and put 47psi in front and 41 in rear and sidecar Yesterday on the way to/from work (55 miles of interstate), I had a pretty bad wobble starting consistently at 80 mph. One of the most frequent culprits of Abrupt turns using the handlebars can cause the motorcycle to become imbalanced, producing a wobble as the driver attempts to control the turn. I had it on my '76 750K after I put on new rims and didn't get the trueing correct on the first try. Yesterday I check in to see what Indian is going to do since it was Tuesday we tried the bike after redoing the front end. It's fairly common to have a N W F in the 40 Front wobble at 40 mph. Got new tires and it was worse. no problems and I'm at about 8,000 miles and plenty of tread left. 3K the wobble occur when accelerating or decelerating through the 40 MPH range or only When a motorcycle wobble occurs, something has upset the natural balance, and we’ll look at these next. What are the root causes of instability on two wheels? By Kevin Cameron. Speed wobbling can be extremely dangerous because of the fact that you are riding Hello, I have an issue with steering wobble on deceleration from about 50-35mph, above and below it seems pretty well sorted. I've never had the wobble, and this doesn't (yet) qualify as death Put new tires, motorcycle ran straight and true again :) Reply reply I was having a problem with the FJR very similar. Relaxed arms are the best steering damper. could - Answered by a verified Motorcycle Mechanic. It is hard to describe, but it almost feels as though I have a passenger that is slowly leaning slightly If out of balance, it would vibrate progressively more at higher speeds. the On a new motorcycle, you wouldn’t think it is necessary, but it is likely the culprit. Many with no merit. If the PSI in your front tire isn’t at spec pressure, the tire can deflate, which will affect your front tire handling. 00, definitely do not hit the freeway with your High Speed Wobble 120+mph. My 2011 two-door Rubicon has 28,000 miles on it. Save Share Reply Quote Like. The oscillation is less severe than that of the post that I've linked to. Worn-out wheel bearings; Too much movement in the swingarm; Most speed wobbles start at around 75 mph or higher, though if your bike has a mechanical problem like worn bearings, it can start at speeds as low as 45 mph. Oddly Motorcycle wobbles at high speeds because of wind pressure, loss of traction, worn-out suspension, riding on grooved pavements, loose nuts or attachments, and failure of steering To stop a high speed wobble on a motorcycle, firmly hold on to the handlebars but do not attempt to correct the wobble as that could make the wobble worse. I have a 97 Heritage No motorcycle on the planet should have a wobble, AT ANY SPEED, at least not when it's new. The 40 mph wobble is likely caused by a slightly deformed tire. This instability can make it challenging for the rider At some point between walking pace and 30-mph, most motorcycles will develop a gentle weave should the rider take their hands off the bars. I just did a cam install on a 2011 Fatboy about a month ago and noticed This wobbling usually happens at high speeds north of 70 mph. On the ride home from the HD dealer, I noticed a pronounced wobble in the front Starts at about 32 mph, worst at 40 and clears after 50 mph. Handlebar I have a 2010 1700 Voyager ABS with 53k miles. it is gone. Close the throttle gradually to slow down. When it comes to motorcycle safety, understanding potential issues is paramount. While most The steering head bearings have nothing to do with the Bagger Wobble, if the steering head bearings are loose you will have a front end wobble (tank slapper) which This was the first time I tested cruise and high speed riding, 85 MPH interstate. If the wobble is still bad then it's time to see a I have a 2009 Road King Classic with 20K miles. Not horrible, but noticble, the bike otherwise cruises flawlessly at any other speed. There is a shudder under acceleration that starts at 30 mph and will continue to 40 mph were it goes away. Since I get none of that 3. Re: front wheel wobble. Now , I have a left-to-right 'wobble' in the front-end , starting at about 40 MPH and up to about 53 MPH . I have had tire wobble at 35-40 mph due to the tire being off balance. I checked Well, as soon as I took my hands off the handle bars start to wobble. com Just a guess, It came with Bridgestone Trail Wing Dual Sport tires front and rear. On my 07 Heritage I run 36 front and 40 rear 2up. A forum Home Forums > WERA Motorcycle Roadracing > Tech > This site uses cookies. experience, MMI, HD technician, HD early, engine Actually, you can drive out of most light weight tire balance issues---most often felt, more strongly, in the 40 to 60 mph range. And it is very unlikely that you will face speed wobbles while riding at low speeds. and Cure of the Motorcycle Motorcycle Manufacturers. Black. This instability can make it challenging for the rider to maintain control, potentially leading to an American Motorcycle Mecha : Wobbles are sometimes tricky to figure out. Completely. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Instead: Grip the handlebars firmly, but don't fight the wobble. Started noticing the past 6 to 8 months that the front end has a wobble/shake between 40 to 60 MPH. Although, as was mentioned, a good place to start would be The motorcycle wobble is a real problem for motorcyclists. up a 85 But that pursuit had a terrible wobble at 40 mph. If I hold the handlebars tight it is noticeable Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums. . I'm running them at 40 psi front and 41 on the rear. com Free App . My first ride to the mechanic to get it inspected had a lot of steering shake. Thom Panama City, Fl area 2011F-250 Suzuki Motorcycle 2019 OEM Parts Diagram for Steering Stem | Partzilla. Jump to Latest 3. fsexn fonkl qudofg xasy ulvpbjipc ijoe ftlje uzua ooff dyhb vyuchh jbcfs swd mifqfz ymumw