Scav timer karma. Thanks for gathering the info.
Scav timer karma As for scav karma, to a new player it's important to keep up. Additionally, having a higher Scav karma makes it easier to reach level 6 with Fence. Like the tracker? Buy me a beer. The karma value changes depending on the player's actions. Throughout last wipe as I was playing I recorded the inventory value of every scav as well as whatever notable items I spawned with. Write better code with AI It’ll come back down over time is what I am saying. (23 Aug 2022) *** add SPT-AKI 3. If another player scav or PMC picks it up within that time, you gain some karma based on its trade value. 5 and he says it takes about 40 minutes per scav timer and I was wondering if anyone has less karma and what their timer was Archived post. My karma is only at 1. Last wipe my Scav timer with maxed hideout and 6 scav rep was like 6. A lot of people forget about this perk. They make no sense, they are not possible to balance (it's basically free risk less gear and money), they require dev team to burn time on making more and more fixes. 82. I can understand the timer if you manage to exfil as scav, but if you die you don't get anything so I just don't see the need for a timer. I guarantee there's going to be an event to reclaim your scav karma after Russian Xmas is over. I am at 15 minutes, 0,7 karma, with intelligence center 1 I spawn more and more with silenced AKs and Headsets. 12 fence karma so I guess that's pretty balanced even if it's kinda discouraging. Reply reply Poor OP your luck sucks. The only reason to play scav anymore is to brainlessly loot stuff for 30 minutes, 🔵 🎉 https://coolgamingstuff. Scav Timer. r/newworldgame. 5 rep for your first Santa kill next time it’s -1. What's Up I Am Playing Escape From Tarkov PVE I Hope You Guy's Enjoyed This Video And Make Sure To Subscribe Hit The Like Button If You Enjoyed :D Thanks For You should lose Scav Karma as PMC if you do this. Scav karma does not matter for most people. Last time I did it I got . Max fence rep allows you to buy uninsured items from him, there no uninsured stuff because its single player. I received negative karma and another player scav showed up and shot me breaking my leg. 20: 00. I hate having the 4 IC3 is where it's at for sure! I have 4. Retaliated and killed him, again it should grant positive karma, but this time 0. Luckily my aim is shit so he survived and my scav karma remains positive. High Karma also grants better gear for your Scavs, although this isn’t guaranteed. Turn the timer on when you're finish with your Scav run and get notified when your Scav is ready again. To avoid abuse, this only works once per item per player scav (so no back and forth, but giving it to someone else again does work). 2 labs cards so far. 4] user profile and ONLY additional mod [Kiki-ScavTweaks] to allow the SCAV timer to be set to 0 so I could do runs right in a row. Not a bug lmao Scav Karma kills the vibe comments. com 🥳 Subscribe: https://tinyurl. However I am now at around 7 Fence rep Scav karma lowers the cooldown. With max Intelligence Center and a fully tanked scav karma you get about 43 min Scav timer (last I heard), you're tagged and cursed, your gear is trash, and scav extracts cost a bit more. com/ybzmusar⚫ Livestreams: https://ti Right now the penalties for lowered Scav Karma aren't that bad, relatively speaking. To those who don't believe the max scav karma is worth it, not only is the ~4 minute scav timer (with intel lvl 3) very nice while working and for low effort money, chilling with Kaban on a rowdy Streets raid is awesome (bad scav killed him and I got the PKP with the key :)), but I also bought a Taiga for 757k from Fence's special store The higher karma you have gives you: lower scav timer, lower scav box timers, better chance to spawn in with good gear as a scav, sell things to fence for a better price, and lowers the cost of car extractions. Yeah, so basically with the Scav Case, the timer is dependent on your Scav Karma. 5 each kill. Reply TurdSpliter SR-25 • Additional 32 raids survival rating 87% im always a chad while a scav i always go for the kills i dont really care for fence karma like seriously 6. You should capitalize on getting these bonuses on I posted something the other day where a guy basically said I was lying by explaining a time when a scav sprayed me down point blank to 50hp. Project Zomboid: An New player here just hit lvl 15. +0. 97 and it's still at a cool down of 24 minutes. 03 rep for surviving a raid. They could add a sort of in-raid trade karma, simply flag an item that you drop for let's say 5 seconds. First time you car extract you get . Thats good to know. Mine sits at around ~3 So 95k - roughly 2 hours Moonshine (270k) - roughly 3. Don't know, make people lose 0. PoetB182 • I knew about the scav karma timer, I'm moderately new so my fence rep is . Learn voice lines. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. So you lose . Scav Kar 3 days ago · Scav karma [] Scav karma is a system that was implemented to incentivise cooperation between player Scavs rather than shooting each other on sight. 25 scav karma and it really doesn't seem to make any difference other then an extra 5 minuet timer. 1 until you reach 0. Yeah that's the weirdiest thing about all of this. Or maybe a shorter cool down or something. 2 hours They I was wondering if some of you could tell me your scav timer and such, aswell as your karma. It appears to be entirely based on your behaviour in-raid and how you eliminate your fellow players instead of the process of elimination in isolation. TLDR: Negative Scav karma can be very hindering for casual players Something something scav karma, something something scav timer cooldowns, something something scav loot box in hideout Honestly if you aren't playing scavs, it doesn't matter. I know you can hang around bosses as a scav and you don’t aggro them No Problem! I hope you like your tank battery all banged up Prapor and sorry no, I wont be issuing a refund this time. Like pve looting is the goal of the game or Unlike Scav karma, it's highly unlikely that simply killing other PMCs - especially those of the same faction - will have any bearing on your reputation. It'll take a while to adjust, but it's possible. Let’s just drop negative scav karma for bosses and forget about this “join the boss to protect him from other players” fantasy. 06 etc. Scav karma Jun 26, 2024 · Where can I see my Scav karma? In Escape from Tarkov, you can check your Scav karma level in the top right corner of any Trader menu. Reply reply Scav karma is useless with single player. I've had two particularly heavy loads of guns, grenades and armour and the 5 minute scav timer is perfect for going in and repeating. 5 minute scav timer More Scav extracts open at once (You get all 7 extracts in Lighthouse and 7/8 on reserves). Just a suggestion, I'm fine with the way it is now but I'm also open for changes Unless you had max karma, you definitely didn't have 7 minute scav timers with Intel center level 1. I’m on 3. More posts you may like r/projectzomboid. It's small enough to not take too long, you can kill PMCs for karma or take the co-op extract. Go play your pmc if you don’t wanna wait for your scav timer. 1 karma. It's important too since the lower your karma the longer your scav timer is for going back In. json at the end. Scav Karma Expanded adds missing scav karma features to SPT-AKI. Anyone A 20 minute scav timer is still better than a 2 hour one. Skip to content. 1 per a human player scav. Fence items and car extracts get more expensive and your scav's gear starts to get crappier. Generally, it can be increased by adhering to a more Dec 22, 2024 · Killing scavs, as a scav, increases your risk as nearby scavs will turn hostile, and it lowers your fence reputation which impacts your scav timer and initial loadouts. 00 just for shit that isnt insured it isnt worth the grind this early i understand in like 2-3 weeks the fucking shit will be pimped M4'S and ak's but everyone basically goes with dogshit modded or decently Scav. 4 karma with Fence and my timer is down to 8 minutes lol Reply reply Scav timers can already get below 10 minutes and I've heard people say as low as 5 with high enough fence rep. That would defeat the purpose of scav karma. Making level 6 Scav. Is it me or has the scav cool down time changed I didn't really play much of last wipe besides the last 2 week before wipe. The mod modifies the generation of the player scav to adjust the loadout according to your scav karma level. Most of the time as a scav you have nothing to shoot. Literally will never have to worry about money or gear If folks want to wait a couple hours to run a scav to PVP without any serious risk, fine by me. Scav Karma should be gained or lost only by what you do as a Scav and all punishments and benefits should be on your Scav char alone. Reply reply The scav timer and the scav junk box timer still goes down the higher your rep is. By the time I sell my loot it's up again, great when you just wanna farm some quick money. 5 because of this. Unless the player scav shoots at you first and hits you. So your 4th time on that specific extract will be +0. If you use car extracts as a pmc you get a fuck ton of scav karma back. Much higher chance at valuable items and keycards. Different actions cause different changes to your karma level. Reply More posts you may like. ----- Maps Applicable / Ideal Karma grind per map / Total Runs. I didn’t realize there was such thing as a “good scav,” and over timer my fence rep hit -2. 25 on customs if that's your first car extract there. I like your idea of the timer being reset. Here are some straightforward ways to increase your reputation: Use Car Extracts as a PMC – extracting via car extracts as a PMC adds a solid +0. I hope that clarifies it a bit for you Scav Karma is for PMC players. By the time I hit rank 6, I had 49 spawn on me. Level 3 Intelligence center: 20% time reduction (35% in There are multiple perks to having high Scav Karma, including reduced Scav Timers, so you can use them more often. Well once you go negative your scav timer starts getting longer. Also you gain standing by taking car extracts as a pmc, killing pmcs as a scav, killing other player scavs who KILLED another scav. Share Reverse it. If you find good loot around other player scavs, be it air drops, raiders, dead boss’s. Second, there is no scav players if you do play your scav. The next, you’ll get 0. so clearly over 6 for bosses to be friendly. Play sound when timer reaches 0. 0, just curious what exactly levels up scav karma? Because I’ve only done like two or three scav runs total and I’m level 25 or so, yet my scav karma is around . Thanks for gathering the info. If a player scav kills someone unprovoked they have a double timer for there next scav, on top of the loss of karma and increased time. Totally worth the like, 3 hours or so of grinding in the event. With negative karma I believe at -5. It is represented by the number 4 days ago · The higher the Scav Karma, the better the player’s reputation is with the Scav factions. My scav timer is 7 minutes. You might act like it's every time, but in my experience as a scav I usually spawn in a semi secluded spot. I turned and killed him with a M700, Scav Karma isn't perfect, but there aren't a whole lot of reliable ways to make it perfect. Just spawned with my 6th lab card( out of ~50 runs) Again, you are spawning. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You also have fewer extract options as a scav woth poor karma. r Scav karma means nothing, and it hasnt meant anything. there will be like 3 YT clips of players doing that the whole wipe ffs. So could of changed it. After getting max crafting and hideout management last wipe I’d notice my scav case would always say 4hrs or whatever for moonshine and 2hr 15 for 85k case but I’d notice most the time they’d be done a lot sooner then their time. People are bragging about how much money they make as a scav if you just enter a raid run around being bored looting crates and leaving. They wouldn't be able to shoot you otherwise. What happens with low Scav karma? With a very low karma level (-5), AI-Scavs will attack the player on sight. Higher chance spawning in with class 3-4 armore and headset. On top of that, you'll also get worse scav gear and fewer extract during scav runs (and fence is a bit more expensive). With negative Scav karma, the cooldown time for your Scav character will increase, meaning you will have to wait longer between playing as a Scav. If you achieve Scav karma level 6, you will also get access to an additional sales tab that offers a 30% discount. Just grind out customs for a smidge and you'll be right as rain. Definitely worth it IMO if you like Scaving. I personally think that, as a Scav player, you should get at least 0. I did a lot of factory runs to farm karma. Skip to main content. This is a broken system that players are basically abusing now. Im 100% cool waiting 5 more minuets if that means I can run right next to raiders on reserves as a scav and blow there heads off from 2 feet away like ive been doing. 4 rep with fence. Having high scav karma is highly lucrative tbh. 2 raids scav run rinse and repeat. 25 scav karma, the next time you get half so . 1*6)) if by pure bad luck every scav you hit was a player instead of AI. 2. Literally just go factory and extract in 30 seconds between your pmc runs. Maps like Shoreline and Woods have these extracts, so try to use them I get it, not everyone is going to go along with the scav karma changes, but for those getting killed by player scavs, maybe we can have a reduced cool down timer so we can actually get back into a game quicker. Discussion Archived post. 0 you become shoot on site for all AI, your vex costs increase, scav timers increase to about 2 hours at max negative threshold-6 Improving your Scav reputation, or Scav Karma, can make survival easier in Escape from Tarkov. Scav karma event serves people who play nice, which is work, which isn't "free". And my scav timer is literally 5 min. 0. You lowered your scav karma and now you get shot. Higher scav karma reduces the cooldown timer of your scavs, decreases the time a scav case takes to finsh and improves the gear you get on your scavs. I popped him, which should grant me positive karma as per killing rogue scav. 11 but starting to try and put some time into trying to get it I’m at 5 min scav timer. First, you don't need to play your scav at all. Open menu Open navigation Go to You can still scav but the time it will take to make your karma good is going to be fairly high and you can make decent money even as a potato on woods because As for the Scav timer going to 2h, that is just complete bullshit, as well as your PMC suffering or gaining because of your actions as a random Scav. Enough time to sell items, tidy up what I'm keeping and then go right back into a scav. At a certain karma level you also gain the benefit of having boss scavs and their guards not shoot you on sight. Interchange / 2. After becoming negative Karma, your SCAV timer increases drastically each time. com/442knp57🟣 Watch The Latest Videos: https://tinyurl. 5. Note: According to the changelog of patch 0. 12) and totally forgot about scav karma. I use to love tricking player scavs into thinking I'm a scav using the Russian BEAR voices. ⚖️ Scav Karma Expanded adjust the generation of your player scav to reflect your scav karma. How do I change the scav cool down timer with the simple installer? Every time I finish a PMC raid it activates the cool down timer for my scav. 4 to your Scav Karma each time. Reply reply No. Jul 2, 2021 · Escape From Tarkov patch 0. Do I lose Scav rep for killing bosses? No, killing bosses as a Scav does not lead to any penalties towards your Scav reputation. Scav rep reduce the scav timer but you don't need to play the scav anyway. The scav karma penalty for killing another scav player is too high. 5 - A complete breakdown on how to gain and lose Scav Karma including ways to cheat the system. Cant get negative karma with a nice wiggle. Toggle theme. 5 hours Intel (380k) - about 4. And the servers went down earlier today which is going to reset your scav timer. It was too heavy for me to make it to extract on time and I ended up giving it to another friendly scav I crossed paths with. Start Reset. 12 then . If you have good karma, triple the time for your next scav since you all of a sudden decided to go rogue. 10 (2 runs on car / 2 runs at the pmc/scav extract) / 2 + 2 = 4 Was just curious what’s the lowest you can get your scav timer this wipe? I remember a few wipes ago it started at like 20 minites or so, Timer should be Karma dependent as is. So . Check the Scavs page for a full list of benefits. 14 karma for that I'm level 3 Intel in hideout, and 2. I've waited about 7 mins each lobby before resetting and I haven't ever loaded in. Problem is with scav runs existing. I just came back this wipe (12. Reply reply Having negative Scav karma can result in increased SCAV timer duration. You get better stuff on average as your scav rep increases, but if you don't scav often it may not matter as much. Related: After extracting for the first time, you’ll get 0. Map should be random and you should only be able to loot for last 3rd of whatever raud time is. With high SCAV karma: your cooling off time for SCAV is lower, you can get nice trades from Fence, you spawn on SCAV with better loot, more meds, bigger backpacks which you can then sell exfils are cheaper, You decide if it’s worth, but I would say yeah, it is. At high scav karma bosses will start helping you (or at least not kill you if you get too close) and if you get to fence rep 6 then you will be able to buy non-insured gear (except for labs) that has been lost. Though I already seen a post or two on here about someone complaining their scav timer was way longer than their friends. I always see people claiming the minimum scav cooldown is around 3 minutes at >6. not exactly what you asked, but while good karma will get regular scav friendliness, bosses will still attack you (as a player scav) up to karma 6. I've also noticed an increase in spawning with cash and Stims. Personally I think the santa thing is pretty stupid but if you regularly kill npc scavs, you probably deserve a negative scav rep since that's the whole point of it. Then AI killed me. This is seperate for each map so if you're at . Then you can kill them with no penalty. RAID TIME + SCAV COOLDOWN INCREASED WOODS & CUSTOMS: Increased to 40 Minute Raids Scav Timer Base Cooldown: Increased from 20 to 25 minutes Maybe this will incentive keeping karma up for your Scav and maybe they can tweak the hideout to reduce the Scav cool down more as you level it up. 25 now and I spawned with a tank battery the other day. 0 Fence rep and Intel Lvl 3. Progress on your PMC is more important than your scav. I don't usually kill other player scavs just the normal AI ones and now my rep is like -2. I am avoiding interchange as a PMC until this event ends. Enjoy it, it’s not perfect of course, but it’s new and seems like it could lead to potentially fun scenario’s. Vehicle exyracts costs get reduced, Scav timer gets reduced and scav case return times also get reduced. Eventually I'll have to grind scav karma and just suck up the bs stuff though. Scav karma also doesn't have a cap, so you can participate as well and just keep going up, staying ahead, This scav Karma has given people a new element for Scavs. 11. Is that as low as it gets or am I missing something? Archived post. 2. Scav karma shouldn't be a part of this game, because there should be no scav raids. 3/4 runs I get a great rig, Next time you see that your scav has a FLIR sniper, go to Factory. The loot, while not as good as other prime scavving maps, There's not enough PMCs queuing up for them because there's not enough early game tasks to See? Problem is not with scav karma. But I swear the cool down time isnt going down much since new wipe, like my fence rep is now at 0. 10 for killing a bad scav player or PMC. 95 votes, 126 comments. Your Jan 12, 2025 · Never miss another Scav on Escape from Tarkov. 11 finally implements the first iteration of Scav karma, otherwise known as reputation. I now try not to kill scavs but at the same time I am not super good using my PMC to get loot right now and my scav timers are like 45 minutes which is ABSURD. Basically just sparing and running straight out SCAV TIMER . Yeah bad scav karma sucks, but once you have bag karma good luck getting it up. They can literally just do vehicle extracts and it will net them a benefit. If wait time eliminated = total scav raid time, then you're doing your effective raid time. It reduces the Scav Case timer, and PMC players don't even have to run Scav's to increase their Karma. Yes there is. when does my You get 3 reductions to Scav cooldown: each +1 of Karma (iirc it's -5% per 1 point of karma) Intel 1 and 3 hideout management skill which further increases Intel reductions I've not seen the exact formula for it, but with Intel 3, max Karma and hideout management around 25 I get ~6-7 min cooldown To proove my point, other AI's started shooting at him. 84. Here's how it works. New comments cannot be posted. - spt-mods/Scav-Karma. 5+ (. The other benefit for PMC's with Scav Karma is less hostile Player Scav's. 5 minutes or something Scav rep also affects how fast you "craft" in the Scav Case hideout module. It isn't for the fact of ONLY playing scavs. Basically with -6 scav karma what is the scav timer? My friend has around -2. It’s like 90% chance that boss is already dead (on top of % chance to spawn) by the time scav player joins the raid. . But dam you must be good at PVP. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 0625 Successful scav extracts are 0. 01 I'll be honest, almost 2 hours on a scav timer doesn't really sound that bad since you can just Few days ago I went on Reserve, killed every player and bot scav (~10 of them) with my scav and got -0. It is a natural paly pattern of the game, to scav and pmc. 01. It comes in time, but try to learn the difference between scav and BEAR Russian voice lines. r/projectzomboid. I have . Note the Scav Karma system is also referred to as Scav Rep, Fence Karma, Fence Reputation and Fence Rep by the community, for simplicity this page will use the term ‘Scav Karma’ throughout. Then you lose -. To add a configuration for a Scav Karma level create a file under config/levels and name it -7 through 6 with . How Does Scav Karma Affect Scav Time? Now that we know what Scav Karma is, Aug 15, 2023 · Scav Karma Explained in Tarkov Patch 13. Scav Karma/Fence Rep: I did 227 Factory Scav Runs for Science Discussion If, say, you're in for 25 minutes, 5 minutes less wait time is like 20% more time to scav. Scav runs are a waste of time anyway that I only do when I'm poor and my PMC is recovering. 06 karma on woods, you can still gain . Around 8 rep. I have -1. easy money. I got sub-6 minute scav runs last wipe. This means that with a high scav karma level you have a All in all for it being the first wipe with Scav Karma implemented into the game I think its a great start and something I definitely will be taking more serious next wipe. 11 (. Im new to the game and i didn't know scav karma existed till 10 minuets ago how do i fix - 3. Yep, if you time it right, you get extracted because the server tick won't update in time to register the Scav not being there anymore 5 minute scav timer More Scav extracts open at once (You get all 7 extracts in Lighthouse and 7/8 on reserves). Scav karma wasn’t a thing last wipe though. I take in 400-700k roubles in a 7-10 minute scav run at 6+ rep. That's not completely terrible on its own, but with low scav karma you start spawning with even worse loadouts, have fewer extracts, are KoS by AI scavs, and your scav timer goes up to two fucking hours. 12. My karma is around a 1. Scav Karma -- What are you getting? Question Im close to level 3 skav karma and almost always spawn with a light-bleed item, a heavy-bleed item, and something to heal with. Eventually, if you go far enough into the red your scav will be kos for all scavs right away. 13074 , which introduced Has anyone else experienced crazy wait times for scav runs. Locked post. The Subreddit for New World, an Open World MMO created by Amazon Games Members Online "Brief The biggest selling point for scav karma is reduced scav timer and reduced "crafting" time in the scav case hideout module. TLDR: There is a correlation between scav karma/fence rep and the inventory value of your I decided to make a sort of chart for players to understand the scav karma event if they're having a hard time understanding, as well as show how easy it is to get max scav karma during this event. 2 days ago · Karma is a hidden parameter in Escape from Tarkov. Which would calculate to your -. Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . But once you get your scav karma up and your intel up, scav timers drop way down and it feels less bad if one takes you out. Basically by the time you got out and sold your stuff, it was up again. I never took the time to With low scav karma, the scav timer is also much longer. Also not shooting my comrades save me so Then on top of that, scav box cooldown is reduced. The loot box in hideout is pretty terrible for getting anything decent and I ran it with 6+ karma for 2 wipes. I'm loving all the bosses being on Interchange - I can wander around with my 6+ scav karma scav and pick clean the bones of the chads who failed in their mission to wipe out the bosses. I can run 6 or 7 scav runs in that same time and pretty much fully fund chad loadouts for a week. I personally always go for high scav karma because I think it is worth it for me. Most of the PMC are gone , and you can't shoot other scav. 75 karma with fence, my cooldown is just over 11 mins. Reply reply The higher your Scav Karma gets, the more profitable your Scav runs will be. I had max karma + Intel center 3 and my timer was around the 5 minute mark. imgilm xqha fyvve pxunt awfesb nzsimymb hrauos sbzx ixlapx wgme tbno qajtazo ulc makolqe tkyo