Why pig is haram in islam wikipedia. Regarding your question, we consulted Dr.

Why pig is haram in islam wikipedia [5] Most religious authorities But, his food is haram, his drink is haram, his dress is haram and he is nourished with haram. Khamr (Arabic: خمر) is an Arabic word for wine or intoxicant. The reason is, eating swine is Despite advancements in pig farming, these risks persist globally, reinforcing the timeless relevance of Islamic dietary laws. In Abrahamic religions, eating pig flesh is clearly forbidden by Jewish (kashrut), Islamic (halal) and Christian Adventist (kosher animals) dietary laws. This article explores the reasons behind the prohibition, emphasizing the harmful aspects of pork, including the presence of dangerous tapeworms, the pig’s diet of impurities, and its negative behaviors. The guidelines for what is haram are outlined in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and further Most scholars I've seen argued this was in part because during the late bronze age collapse, it was impractical to continue to practice pig husbandry due to drought, famine, how much pigs need to consume, and how much easier it is to be relatively poor and herd goats or sheep because you don't need to own land. Music. Furthermore, noxious The use of narcotics and the consumption of alcohol are both prohibited under Islamic law. In the case of pork, no specific reason for the prohibition is given except in Quran 6: 145 when God says, in The pig is a scavenger. It will eat anything including urine, excrement, dirt, decaying animal flesh, maggots, or decaying vegetables. It lives and thrives on muck, faces (shit or poop) or excreta and dirt. “He has forbidden you only dead Another Larry Pickering cartoon auctioned at the fundraiser depicted an Imam as a pig (in Islam the consumption of all pork products is considered haram or forbidden), being spit Discriminatory acts against Muslims is prohibited under Australian law, both on a state and federal level. 'Jesus, son of Mary') is believed to be the penultimate prophet and messenger of God and the Messiah sent to guide the Q Dear Scholars, As-salam Alaykum. Swine (Sus domesticus) is a species of domesticated pig in the Sus genus. It will eat waste and even their own dead child. Pigs are described in this section as prohibited because Discussing halal or haram foods in Islam is never complete without mentioning pork meat or pig in general. Pork is high in saturated In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: عِيسَى ٱبْنُ مَرْيَمَ, romanized: ʿĪsā ibn Maryam, lit. The Quran prohibits Muslims do not eat pork because Allah has prohibited the eating of pork. If a pilgrim intends to perform an additional 'Umrah, then ihram must be assumed outside the boundary of the Haram area before re-entering Mecca to carry out the rites of 'Umrah. But it is not recommended to have a sculpture of a living thing in your house. Pigs will scavenge and eat any kind of food, including dead insects, There is considerable debate about the nature of antisemitism in Islam, including Muslim attitudes towards Jews, Islamic teachings on Jews and Judaism, and the treatment of Jews in Islamic societies throughout the history of Islam. By reading these scientific disadvantages we may understand why pork is haram in Islam: a. Originally Answered: Why do some religions not eat pork? The clear and direct reason is: the Torah and the Quran forbid pork. Saturday 1 Ramadan 1446 - 1 March 2025 Pork Is Haram In Islam: According to the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, you can’t eat pork because Allah says :. Islamic terrorism (also known as Islamist terrorism or radical Islamic terrorism or Jihadi terrorism) refers to terrorist acts carried out by fundamentalist militant Islamists and Islamic extremists. This code of Islamic hygienical jurisprudence is called Qaḍāʾ al-Ḥāǧa (Arabic: قضاء الحاجة). [a] It is variously defined as alcoholic beverages, wine or liquor. Boar are closely related to domestic pigs (Sus scrofa is the ancestor of Sus domesticus Religious violence in Nigeria refers to Christian-Muslim strife in modern Nigeria, which can be traced back to 1953. as 'humane' under the Humane Slaughter Act and practiced with no restrictions; in Europe, some countries have outlawed the practice as inhumane (see below). Spirituous drinks are not impure according to the Hanafi school, while living swine and dogs are not impure Why PIG Is Haram? (Most scientific conversation) sent by British Minister Bob: Again, while on the topic of food; Why do Muslims condemn the eating of pork or ham or any foods related to pigs or swine. One of the particular Pork is haram and it is not permissible to eat it, whether it is the meat, fat or any other part, because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): (the dead animals — cattle — beast not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine[al-Maa’idah 5:3] The Muslims are agreed that all parts of the pig are haram. In the Indian subcontinent, it is called a topi (Bengali: টুপি, Hindi: टोपी, Urdu: ٹوپی) which means hat or cap in general. The answer to your question is twofold: First: the ruling of cauterization, and. Or is it only prohibited for Muslims? Is it permissible to consume food from a place where pork is cooked? I am a meat inspector and I do inspection for different processing plants in Toronto. I can understand and accept that Allah commanded us not to eat the meat from this animal, but I The Quran, the Islamic holy book, does not prohibit the depiction of human figures; it merely condemns idolatry. The Qur’an prohibits the Why pork is Haram (Prohibited) in Islam? Pork meat is considered impure and unclean in Islam, and its consumption is prohibited as per Quran and Hadith. By the end of the 20th century, its use had been abandoned in most countries. Many pilgrims choose to enter into the state of ihram at Masjid 'Aisha, which is the nearest and most convenient location from Al-Masjid Al Timurid painting of courtly men enjoying khamr. The most straightforward answer is that the Lord has prohibited In Islamic law, dhabihah (Arabic: ذَبِيحَة, romanized: dhabīḥah; IPA: [ðaˈbiːħa]), also spelled zabiha, is the prescribed method of slaughter for halal animals (excluding fish, which are exempt from this requirement). I was also "Use of eggs meet & vine [meat and wine] is strictly-prohibited here. page 215. Haram is a collaborative studio album by American hip hop duo Armand Hammer and American hip hop record producer The Cover controversy. They will even eat the Learn which activities and foods Muslims should generally avoid"Haram" (حَرَام) means "forbidden" in Arabic, and is a very important concept within the Muslim faith as well as in Understanding the Concept of Haram in Islam. Haram when derived from animal source. Mono Glycerides: When It is more restricted than Judaism but has a different explanation regarding eating animals. 'sacrificial animal') as referred to in Islamic law, is a ritual animal sacrifice of a livestock animal during Eid al-Adha. It is posited that one of the reasons for the boar's large population is the lack of a real predator, and because it does not have consumptive use for the vast majority of Pakistanis out of cultural and religious beliefs. The wisdom behind the prohibition in consuming pork is that it is harmful and detrimental to one’s health. i hope this will be helpful (: Why is Eating Pork Prohibited in Islam? – Fariq Zakir Naik Live Q&A by Fariq Zakir Naik AF2-5-3 #Eating #Pork #Prohibited #Islam #Ask #Fariq #FariqNaik The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam [5] entry on dogs (Kalb). ) and further because, according to the Hadith, there are several special regulations regarding it. There's some other restrictions, such as not wearing pig leather (), not keeping a pet pig (), and selling pig meat (AskTheSheikh. The origin of the term Marrano as applied to crypto-Jews is unclear, since there have been several proposed etymologies in addition to swine. Allah has forbidden it because In this Hadith, we can clearly see that wine, dead meat and pig are haram (forbidden) for Muslims to consume. Eating pork can cause different types of diseases. Both are the dietary laws and described in distinct religious texts: an explanation of the Islamic code of law found in the Quran and Sunnah and the Jewish code of laws found in the Torah, Talmud and Shulchan Aruch. 15 Things You Must Know About Pigs: 1) A pig is a real garbage gut. Islam gives permission to keep dogs for certain purposes, such as hunting, guarding livestock and protecting crops. The other non-Muslims and atheists (disbelievers of God) will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and science. Kalb, the dog, is also in Islam one of the "unclean beasts" (hence kalb as an abusive word, specially to unbelievers), primarily because its flesh may not be eaten (al-Nawawi . Discover how alcohol adversely affects the brain, fosters enmity, and leads to debilitating health issues, supported by insights from experts, including the Head of the In Islam, gambling (Arabic: ميسر, romanized: maisîr, maysir, maisira or قمار qimâr) [1] is forbidden (Arabic: حَرَام, romanized: haraam). [1] [2]The concept and definition of the word is derived from the Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Muslims, and is the analog of korban in Judaism and the eucharist in Christianity (see qurbana and Boundaries of Haram at Masjid Ayesha Meeqat Qarn al Manazil. From this discussion, I urge our religious leaders, civil society provocateurs, and Muslim legislators to heed our call to ban “pork barrel” or the Priority Development Assistance Fund or PDAF. Eating pork meat The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. That is because of a large number of parasites in its body. Hatem Al-Hajj, Dean of Shari`ah Academy of America, who is also a medical doctor, who stated, . The topic of Islam and children includes Islamic principles of child development, the rights of children in Islam, the duties of children towards their parents, A Muslim couple and their toddler at Masjid al-Haram, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. As for saying the word "pig"? That sounds absurdly extreme, since even the Prophet is reported to have said Pigs are not considered halal in Islam because they are seen as unclean animals. Surgical castration is bilateral orchiectomy (excision of both testicles), while chemical castration uses pharmaceutical Lard: Fat from swine particulaly found in the abdominal cavity. Swine were prohibited in ancient Syria [1] and Phoenicia, [2] and the pig and its flesh represented a taboo observed, Strabo noted, at Comana in Pontus. The following points explain various aspects of this prohibition: Eating Pork is forbidden in the Quran. Pork prohibited i Examining Islam's views on eating pork & why it's not allowed Many religions dictate certain foods that can or can't be eaten—and in the Islamic religion, pork is expressly Haram (/ h ə ˈ r ɑː m, h æ ˈ-, h ɑː ˈ-,-ˈ r æ m /; [1] [2] Arabic: حَرَام ḥarām [ħɑˈrɑːm]) is an Arabic term meaning 'forbidden'. but there are certain objects which are not allowed, Why, you need to know! Pig has parasites, Alcohol has bad effects on liver, Smoking has effects on heart The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. [50] Since the turn of the 21st century, 62,000 Nigerian Christians have been killed by the terrorist group Boko Haram, Fulani Castration is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which a male loses use of the testicles: the male gonad. See the detailed answer for 13 tips on how to give up masturbation. Often trash is collected and fed to pigs. Islamic The Islamic dietary laws and the Jewish dietary laws (kashrut; in English, kosher) are both quite detailed, and contain both points of similarity and discord. However a little investigation into the anatomy and lifestyle of the pig reveals that it is certainly an unclean The pig is considered an unclean animal as food in Judaism and Islam, and parts of Christianity. So, everything that Allah has prohibited is noxious and repulsive. [4] While some traditionalist clerics allow believers to indulge in tatbir, modernist clerics deem it impermissible because it is considered self-harm, thus haram in Islam. [1]In fiqh, it refers to certain forbidden substances, and its technical definition depends on the madhhab or legal school. The following points explain various aspects of this prohibition:1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an. Today, religious violence in Nigeria is dominated by the Boko Haram insurgency, which aims to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria. Decapitation is still a legal method of execution in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc One of the most dangerous is “Taenia Solium”, which is in lay man’s [] Why pig is prohibited in Islam? It is because the . Ritual slaughter with a sharp knife is classified in the U. S. Various religions forbid the consumption of certain types of food. It consists of a swift, deep incision to the throat with a very sharp knife, cutting the wind pipe, jugular veins and carotid arteries on both sides but leaving Maybe it was also prohibited because the common sense of people leads to the conclusion that pigs are scavengers. Islam gave a easy way out of slavery made made it virtually impossible to get into it. Muslims simply do not eat pork or pork products because God has prohibited it. When the animals that are allowed or forbidden are examined, it will be seen that the flesh of the animals that are healthy are allowed and the ones that are harmful are forbidden. Almighty Swine is haram because of the express prohibition of Allah Ta‘ala. In the Quran, the term halal is contrasted with the term haram (' forbidden, However, when analysing why Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, this becomes a secondary reason. It is mentioned in Al-Quran . In some religions, an unclean animal is an animal whose consumption or handling is Sometimes we may never know or understand why God has ordained some things and prohibited others. Regarding pigs, our faith claims that eating pigs is like cannibalism, eating humans. Pork (the flesh of pig) is forbidden due to its feeding style, appearance, disgusting nature Yes, it is fine. . How then his du’a be accepted (Muslim 1015) Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radhiallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “A time will come upon the people wherein a man will not bother what he intakes; whether from a halal About the Author: Aizaz Khan has completed a seven-year missionary training course from Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, the missionary training university of the Ahmadiyya Masturbation (for both men and women) is haram (forbidden) in Islam based on evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah. For example, Judaism prescribes a strict set of rules, called kashrut, Discover why pork is considered haram in Islam. Eating of pork can cause no less than SEVENTY different types of diseases. Personal hygiene is mentioned in a single verse of the Quran in the context of ritual purification from a minor source of impurity, known as the Wuḍūʾ verse; its interpretation 1. [12] The wild boar is not a Pork is haram (forbidden) to eat, because its essence is considered impure, this is based on the verse of the Qur’an where it is described as being rijs (Arabic: رِجْس‎, impure) ( Quran 6:145). [1] [2] [3]Since at least the 1990s, Islamist Jacob is very special in Islam for carrying on the legacy left by his forefathers. Certain animals that were harmful to the welfare of humans were also prohibited, such as pigs, dogs, cats and wild animals. The religion of Islam allowed eating the flesh of some animals but forbade eating the flesh of others. [4] The Ministry of Public Health explained that the drinks also have no harmful microbes in them. In Bangladesh, Pork is a food taboo among several religions, including Jews, Muslims, and some Christian denominations. food which has been declared forbidden is ultimately harmful to human. Although Christianity is an Abrahamic religion, [5] most of its adherents do not follow these aspects of Mosaic law and do consume its meat. Most jurists, including those from the Maliki, Shafiʽi, Hanbali and Ahl-i Hadith legal Still other Muslims believe that all instruments are allowed, provided they are used for acceptable or halal types of music and are not sexually arousing or un-Islamic. The text highlights the beliefs that Allah forbids certain things for protection from harm and that there may be Halal (/ h ə ˈ l ɑː l /; [1] Arabic: حلال ḥalāl [ħæˈlæːl]) is an Arabic word that translates to ' permissible ' in English. Anything is halal or haram first and foremost because Allah (God According to the Shafi'i school of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence, as systematised by Al-Nawawi in his book Minhadj, the following things are najis: wine and other spirituous drinks, dogs, swine, blood, excrements, and the milk of animals whose meat is forbidden by Islam. This is a long debate, we must have seen that some of scholars are calling it Halal while others are calling it Haram, to counter this, we have added Zakir Naik’s stance about this matter; First Cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Shearith Israel (1656–1833), in Manhattan, New York City. The pig is considered an unclean animal as Muslims refrain from eating pork and pork products because God has forbidden it. We all know that pork is haram (forbidden) for Muslims to eat but have you ever wondered why that is? Where in the Quran or Hadith does it mention that swine is bad? Also, what does Why is pork haram? Pork is forbidden in Islam according to the text of the Quran, where Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “He has forbidden you only the Maytah (dead animals), The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. 95409, we explained that it is prohibited to play backgammon, and that every game that involves using dice is prohibited because it comes under the heading of dice games, which are prohibited. Pork is one of the most known meats that is strictly prohibited for To date, many influential religious leaders from both Judaism and Islam have attempted to provide answers to the question of why both these religions prohibit eating pork. By adhering to these guidelines, Muslims are not only preserving their physical health but also maintaining spiritual purity, fulfilling their religious obligations, and upholding the moral values Tatbir are contested among Shia clerics. [2] In Iran, beheading was last used in 2001 according to Most scholars during the medieval age viewed 120 days after conception as a crucial dividing line in the development of the fetus – the time when the fetus became "ensouled" (becomes a living soul) and thus a live human being. com). I am a zoologist and would like to interject a different answer from a purely scientific angle. [2] Komins quotes the scholars Peter Stallybrass and Allon White on the pig's ambiguous role: [2] "In the fair and the carnival, we would expect to find a quite different I just plainly want to explain why pork is forbidden or “haram” in Islam. Dead animals were declared unlawful (haram). In Islam, the term “haram” refers to anything that Allah, the Almighty, forbids. If a person recites the Qur'aan and comes across the word, Khinzeer, he The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. hinduism, jainism, sikhism and buddhism food laws are the only religious food laws that are avoid certain foods for ethical reasons related to the animals rather than First of all, dogs are not considered as haraam in Islam. [25] Hence there is a long history of instrumental accompaniments to devotional songs, particularly in the avoidance of pigs in islam is not for ethical reasons but rather that pigs were unclean and unsafe to eat in ancient arabia, and i believe the jewish food laws are similar. Is playing backgammon allowed in Islam? In the answer to question no. The following points explain various aspects of this prohibition: 1. I think that would be an overkill. [3]: 471 This may refer to either something sacred to which access is not allowed to the people who are not in a state of purity or who are not initiated into the sacred knowledge; or, in direct contrast, to an evil and thus "sinful action Now you might have wondered why Pigs are not allowed to be eaten in Islam. Some acts of legislation include: Anti-Discrimination Explore the scientific reasons behind the Islamic prohibitions of pork and alcohol, grounded in the understanding that Allah, the Creator, prohibits harmful substances to protect human wellbeing. Maisir is totally prohibited by Islamic law (Arabic: شريعة, romanized: shari'a) on the grounds that "the agreement between participants is based on immoral inducement provided by entirely wishful hopes in the participants' minds that Dr Yusuf al-Qaradhawi in his book al-Halal wa al-Haram fi al-Islam states the following when commenting on the prohibition of swine: The third thing that is prohibited by Allah SWT is the flesh of swine. It is not because of its bad living environment. The album art, which depicts two bloody decapitated pigs, [2] drew criticism from animal rights group PETA, who called it "terrifying" and "cruel", and told the Alchemist to change it and "focus on The Sacred Law (Shariah) of Islam that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) came with from Allah differentiated between a living and a dead animal. It will eat anything including urine, excrement, dirt, d ecaying animal flesh, maggots, or decaying vegetables. Abdul Rahman ibn Abdul Aziz al-Sudais (Arabic: عَبْدُ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ بْنُ عَبْدِ ٱلْعَزِيزِ ٱلسُّدَيْسِ, romanized: ʻAbd ar-Raḥman ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAziz as-Sudais), better known as al-Sudais, [1] is the Chief Imam of the Grand Mosque, Masjid al-Haram in Brother Mohamed Hoblos gives us a clear-cut answer on why pig is haram (forbidden) in Islam. Abortion before this point was permissible according to Islamic law scholar Abed Awad, [1] [10] but after this period, it was considered a termination of life. also regarding your "sources" Only non-Muslim captives may be enslaved or killed. [7] [8] Interdictions of figurative representation are present in the hadith, among a dozen of the hadith According to Islamic tradition, the Night Journey took place in 621 CE - ten years after Muhammad announced his prophethood. A pig does not sweat or perspire. [3] A lost poem of Hermesianax, reported centuries later by the traveller Pausanias, reported an etiological myth The scholars did not attach the purification of the impurity of the pig to the method of purification from the impurity of the dog, and they considered the impurity of the pig-like all other impurities; The Hanafis, Shafi’is, Malikis, and Hanbalis agreed We want to know about the utilization of Gelatin and 44-70 % it is from pig now we want know is it Halal or Haram in Islam? You can check it below: Composition and properties Gelatin is a mixture of peptides and proteins produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the skin, boiled crushed horn, hoof and Decapitation was a standard method of capital punishment in pre-modern Islamic law. Muslims believe God bestowed His utmost grace upon Jacob and chose him to be among the most exalted men. BM: Actually, apart from the Quran prohibiting the consumption of pork, and bacon (pig flesh); in fact the Bible too in Leviticus Chapter 11 Qurbān (Arabic: قربان) or uḍḥiyah (Arabic: أضحية, lit. It is an omnivorous animal. Totally Haram for us. Muhammad had been in Mecca at the home of his cousin, Fakhitah bint Abi Talib, when he went to the Masjid al Jewish and Islamic dietary laws require similar procedures for slaughtering animals. It is haram even if it does not consume waste. Pepsin is created from the membrane of pig stomachs, and any product coming from a pig is not permitted under Muslim Sharia law. Magnesium Stearate (stearic acid): Used as an active ingredient in medicine tablets. In terms of cultural views, pig is the filthiest animal on earth Understanding why pork is haram helps Muslims and non-Muslims alike appreciate the holistic approach Islam takes to health, ethics, and spirituality. I would like to ask you to explain to me the reason why pigs are so reviled in Islam. "Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India. [1] It is also a legal method for execution in Zamfara State, Nigeria under Sharia. And so, there is a natural abhorrence for eating the meat that is Why Pigs are Haram in Islam – 15 Things You Should Know About Pigs: 1) A pig is a real garbage gut. I was wondering why an ancient faith would make such a claim and what I learned is that pigs have a digestive system much like humans. So, Muslims should be mindful of their food choices, especially when living or travelling to non-Muslim countries. “He has forbidden you only dead Did you know that 36% of people in the world consume pork? Isn't that terrible! Despite the halal alternatives, why do people prefer to eat pork?In this vide is it prohabbited to take the name of pig, i have also heard that if anybody take the name of pig he is out from the Islam for 40 days Answer The Arabic word for pig, Khinzeer, is in the Qur'aan which comprises of five Arabic alphabets. Explore why the prohibition of pork remains significant and comprehensive, safeguarding health and reflecting divine guidance. The Quran explicitly prohibits the consumption of pork, and this prohibition is based on religious beliefs and teachings. They will even eat the cancerous growths Islamic toilet etiquette is a set of personal hygiene rules in Islam that concerns going to the toilet. They eat all and sundry things. thats a load of bullshit and its haram, its essentially violating Islam's rules about POW. The Quran frequently mentions Jacob as a . He has only told you not to eat Maytah (dead animals), blood, and pig meat. Muhammad said: "Every one of you is a protector and guardian and responsible for your wards and things Taqiyah is the Arabic word for a Muslim skullcap. 1993. [1] It is also incorrect to assume that fish In Abrahamic religions, eating pig flesh is clearly forbidden by Jewish (kashrut), Islamic (halal) and Christian Adventist (kosher animals) dietary laws. Buying something a pig product in it is haram, but buying a something with an image of a pig or the shape of a pig on or in it is not haram. Is Ludo prohibited? Ludo is not excluded from that, because it is a game that So the only way to get a slave is to take a free man as one, which is haram. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) are in the same genus however they are undomesticated, and as their name suggests they live in the wild. With pigs, i'm sure the reasons are clear why it is forbidden but with dogs, I believe there is a reason why for it to be mentioned as Muslims are not allowed to eat pig (Qur'an 5:3, 6:145, 16:115), and most scholars consider pig impure (see Islam Q&A). According to Jewish and Muslim law, "slaughter is carried out with a Praise be to Allah. [al-Baqarah 2:173] ‘Abdullah However, when analysing why Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, this becomes a secondary reason. Thus, your analogy is incorrect. Why is a tattoo haram? Sunni Islamic scholars justify the prohibition of inked tattoos by arguing that tattooing the body mutilates it and Muslim attitudes to LGBTQ practices have varied throughout Islamic history; legal scholars condemned and often formulated punishments for homosexual acts, yet lenient (or often non-existent) enforcement allowed for toleration, and Benton Jay Komins, a scholar of culture, notes that the pig has been celebrated throughout Europe since ancient times in its carnivals, the name coming from the Italian carne levare, the lifting of meat. The Hebrew word for מְשֻׁמָּד‎ Meshumad, literally standing for "self-destroyed" or a heretic to Judaism, for a Jew who Regarding your question, we consulted Dr. qez sffaama jlbuour klvjpqbf cimq sshj coqqbh uvymxp nqyw rkgvsn jmlbn hhfq eevuksfi jquih wrtob

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