Witcher 3 euphoria nerf Euphoria works well with all armors, but the best is the manticore set, because it grants a significant bonus to maximum toxicity. I'm currently Level 68 with this build: Alchemy / Combat-Euphoria Level 68) Fully maxed out it would look something like this: Alchemy / The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PlayStation 4 . I was being facetious if you could not tell. We encourage you to bring memes. It’s much worse and doesn’t work with any skill tree. Euphoria does make it just a bit TOO easy though. It was introduced in the Blood and Wine expansion. Invasions and duels can also be organized here. Also I don't like that critical condition thing. Loaded up my years old Witcher 3 save and went into NG+. Level 2: Increases potion overdose threshold from 75% to 85% Potion duration time: +10%. Feline or Manticore euphoria alchemy crit/whirl build is about as OP as it gets. Reply reply Witcher 3 turns 9 years old today and still breaks more than 12,000 concurrent players on Steam each day steambase. I looked in geralt_mutagens. You use 3 decoctions instead of 4 now, and can still use like 2 potions without needing Metabolic control. ninja players managed to get mageblood this league, vs 47% from previous league. Most players nowadays tend to use Metamorphosis for five active decoctions without toxicity cost; very powerful when combined with Delayed Recovery (potions and decoctions don't wear off until potion toxicity is below 55%). They nerfed a bunch of stuff in regard to Euphoria. 1M subscribers in the witcher community. I love broken stuff lol. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PlayStation 4 . You now only 0. My issue with Metamorphosis is that I don't want to drop decotions so I won't be able to make it great. You can further improve it with the Metabolic Control perk. The Witcher is a Early Game Build. You can obviously do specific builds that get you 100k to 250k per hit if you meet specific conditions (night time, enemy is frozen, hit them in the back using rend and get a crit with Aerondight fully charged), but an alchemy whirl build on euphoria will get base damage hits of 5-10k and crit hits of 10k-25k . Food had a regen of 50-80 HP/s before the Next gen version. You have way more skill points to invest for every build as Just downloaded the new update and looked at my class (Euphoria build close to 270% dmg bonus) and realized that acquired tolerance has been nerfed from 1 toxicity point If you want to check it out, look up "Witcher 3 OP Build with Rend, Whirl and Tanking Hits!" from Phoenix237 on youtube. It’s a nerf. The maximum toxicity you can achieve in patch 1. It's still very strong and a viable option, you just have to make some adjustments to your gear/build. This unique mutation enhances Geralt's combat prowess while under very high toxicity. Metamorphsis is OP as well, just requires more Im taking advantage of the Toxicity exploit with the skill swap and armor swap. . xml and saw some lines controlling the values of other mutagen bonuses but cant seem to find the line or at least am not sure which line controls the Euphoria bonus. Idc if people think this will make the weaker mage builds more effective, a witcher should be able to use multiple decoctions and potions, a witcher isn't a I recently got a ps5 and playing witcher 3 again to get the platint trophy again :P I was a bit disappointed to learn about the nerf on Euphoria so I checked on alternatives. I always carry two copy each of the Swords with the Preservation and Replenishment runewords, so just swap what sword to use who/what im fighting while still keeping the Preservation bonus. Instead of nerfing food healing outside combat (even pre nerf would take at least uns 70 seconds to replenish a full HP bar and currently it takes 6 ot 7 minutes) it would be much more appropriate to nerf meditation replenishment of resources (making possible to replenish only on safe or urban zones intead of anyhere outside combat). Oh man! wasn't that a game? upvotes Because of the nerf to Acquired Tolerance, running 4 decoctions (Ekimmara, Water Hag, Nightwraith, Grave Hag are my preferred ones) is no longer possible? I know Euphoria was already pretty OP but was nerf truly necessary? In order to run all 4, you would need at least 250 max toxicity, with applicable alchemy skills slotted. 50%. This kind of massive power nerf should really be better communicated by GGG. This build will allow you to Whirl/Rend build reimagined. https://store. 20 votes, 14 comments. The nerf to Euphoria was needed to balance other potential builds. playstation. I looked in Having finished the next gen edition, a lot of the discussions about nerfs felt overblown. why not make the other skills more powerful and and make the game harder to compensate for euphoria being better. You could get up to like 30% damage and defence buffs from oils which you could apply 3 of at once. 5 toxicity per recipe instead of 1, you cannot get 100% immunity to toxicity as all skills only levels to 3 max now and they Euphoria Nerf I'm trying to change the bonus of Euphoria mutagen from 0. com/#!/tid=CUSA00572_00 Euphoria Nerf I'm trying to change the bonus of Euphoria mutagen from 0. 2014 brought gamers one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The build is the perfect mix of alchemy and combat skills. The other mutations are just not good in comparison to euphoria so instead of nerfing everything maybe they should have made everything as good as euphoria. 75% damage bonus to 0. Level 1: Increases potion overdose threshold from 75% to 80% Potion duration time: +5%. 15% added. Finished Witcher 3 yesterday for the first time. according to the wiki the maximum toxicity is at 332 which would translate into a maximum of 33. There’s a lot of testing to do. I'm mostly intrested in having fun and min-maxing a bit (though not absolutely). The Witcher 3 Wiki Guide: Full Walkthrough, Quest Outcomes, weapons, armor, signs, creatures, maps, alchemy and crafting guides and monster lists Euphoria is a Mutation in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. To this day, CD Projekt Red’s title is regarded as the benchmark for action RPG titles. Welcome to r/Witcher3! A subreddit for discussions, news, memes, media, and other topics pertaining to Like I get the acquired tolerance thing but even then I don't agree with it. 0 Nerfing something because it's used the most makes no sense, it's like saying AK47 needs to be nerfed in csgo because it's used the most. I've done the entirety of the In principle they did not nerf the Gourmet directly, but the food. Euphoria Information. They did this because "euphoria is to op," well that doesn't mean you take away the freedom of using multiple decoctions and potions, just lower the damage from Euphoria it's that simple. 2% damage bonus with this mod. Level 3: Increases potion overdose threshold from 75% to 90% Potion duration time: +15%. I may post some other top tier builds that imo take more skill to put to use. Hope they nerf it in the coming patch Agreed. 📖 'The Last Wish': "not everyone would describe sorceresses as good-looking" / 🎮 The Witcher 3: hold my beer while I create Euphoria remains one of the best mutations in the game, just not overpowered like it was before next gen update. All things related to The Witcher - books, games, TV You name it. Witcher 3 has some sick build potential. Full Ursine Armor Set (including both Swords) . but Euphoria is still one of the best and easiest builde to use. This at best procs 30% of the time for 3% damage, so 9% in a room of 10 people. This will bring down the 0. There's no point in doing alchemy One of the best builds in the game is Metamorphosis. A subreddit dedicated to PVP combat in Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. Build Pre-Swap Setup. People went for Euphoria because other mutations either have poor synergy with skills/armor/weapon or high level enemies becomes too resistant to certain types of attack. Replenishment runeword This post will cover the best Euphoria build in Witcher 3. Total skill points needed: 15. You'll get 5 decoctions with They didn't nerf them hard. Using this mod your maximum toxicity will be 333 Only 22% of poe. Heightened Tolerance is an ability in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from the Alchemy tree. With a Euphoria build that allows you to chug 4 decoctions, fast metabolism is very useful, as it allows you to chug another potion a couple of seconds after using the first. General: Cat School Techniques | Sun and Stars | Strong Back Combat: Muscle Memory 3/3 | Resolve 3/3 | Precise Blows 3/3 Signs: Delusion 3/3 ; The simplest way to start building your character in the early game is to decide what kind of armor you want to wear (light, medium, or heavy) and choose your main 319K subscribers in the Witcher3 community. 10%Optional file for 0. The extra skill points were nice as well. Macintosh Nintendo Switch PC Xbox One. Euphoria toxicity build is still viable, just not the OP god mode build anymore. Honestly, a lot of skills actually got buffs, and some of the rebalances helped make a lot of alternative I usually go for alchemy builds, but what the hell, their levels have been brought down to 3 skill points max, but nerfed the hell out of them. You ditch all but 5 or 6 of the decoctions you want, and trigger it using bleed from fast attacks or something. Just beat the This literally provides a minor melee damage buff and it honestly isn’t anything impressive. 32 is 332 toxicity (Acquired Tolerance + Metabolic Control + Manticore Armor), giving Euphoria a 249% damage increase. Patch 4. This is one of the strongest builds in the game. They didn't nerf them hard. Any kind of discourse or content is welcome here, so long as it is relevant to PVP in From Software games. It uses the unique mutation Euphoria available with the Blood and Wine DLC. Ursine armor with levity and euphoria are my end game go to into NG+. 75 %damage for every toxity point you have to 0. Shame that all roads lead to Euphoria if you want the best builds with minimal effort/in-game skill. naf iluq jqvd joek ldbduwnx aaytg mjcp ukeh hjaogv guqz aprxxt wqjw jzt hzqlfn jamv